Tag: Cuisine

[LIVE]: Cuban Sandwiches & Pan Con Bistec for Dinner

WE GOTTA EAT AS MUCH CUBAN FOOD AS WE CAN BEFORE WE DIE 😂😂😂 Today we’re eating cubanos & pan con bistec sandwiches from Cubaneo. Support our food adventures: 💰 DONATE TO US ON VENMO = @numbersixwithcheese (our handle!) 💰…...

Cheese, tomato and onion omelette…

Omelettes are best enjoyed at a kitchen table if you have one, as they have to be made one at a time if they’re to turn out well, so the crew can be gathered around the table, knives and forks at the ready, to be served theirs in turn....

[LIVE]: Salt & Pepper CRACK WINGS?!

We’re at a pho restaurant eating fried dumplings and salt + pepper wings‼️ Hang out with us & donate if you’d like to support by clicking the $ button on YouTube by the comment section. Or… 💰 DONATE TO US…...

Toronto will have a street festival dedicated to grilled cheese this summer

In Toronto’s Lakeshore Village BIA, grilled cheese is more than just a classic– the gooey, cheesy sandwich is the center of their annual Grilled Cheese Challenge, and it’s coming back again this June.  Just like last year, local shops and restaurants will have the opportunity to showcase their version...