Lawsuit Claims Velveeta Mac & Cheese Isn’t Actually Ready in 3.5 Min

Velveeta’s microwavable mac and cheese cups have “ready in 3 ½ minutes” written on their packaging — but claims that is not the truth and is seeking $5 million in damages from because of it.

Ramirez’s lawyers claim that she chose Velveeta over other products in part because of the advertised quick prep time, and that she would not have purchased it “had she known the truth.”

In the 15-page class action lawsuit filed by Ramirez, she claims that the cup advertises the mac and cheese is “ready in 3 ½ minutes,” but according to the instructions, 3 and a half minutes is the amount of time the cup needs to be microwaved for, not the total prep time. Thus, when you account for other instructions such as adding water, adding cheese sauce, and stirring the ingredients, the mac and cheese takes longer than 3 and a half minutes, though the lawsuit does not specify precisely how long.

In a statement, called the lawsuit “frivolous” but said they “will strongly defend against the allegations in the complaint.”

Many on have poked fun at Ramirez’s lawsuit, but one of her lawyers told NPR that they’re serious, stating that “ is … We want corporate to be straightforward and truthful in advertising their products.”


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