The Best Way To Eat Bulgarian Feta Cheese

While every cheesemonger has a particular that creates a special flavor, Bulgarian is different from its Greek counterpart. One style of this type of is Sirene. As .com discusses, South- white brined combines various kinds of milk to make this cheese. Goat, cow, and sheep’s milk in various proportions combine together to create a slightly grainy texture cheese. With a zesty lemon-forward flavor, the bright, crumbly cheese brings a tanginess to many dishes.

Food Fun Travel Blog describes Bulgarian as softer and wetter than the Greek version. While the aroma is still strong, the creamy texture seems to add an unctuous note to the eating enjoyment. Since this type of cheese is not regulated under the Greek parameters, the offerings can vary depending on the maker. But, for people who prefer luscious, citrus-forward flavors, Bulgarian might be the ingredients to add some zest to recipes.


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