The Best Instagram Recipes From 2022

I’ve always been the type of person who takes note of what everyone else is eating (I can still remember my dad’s exact Olive Garden order, and that my brother always purposely left soda caps unscrewed in the fridge, because he didn’t like carbonation).

Similarly, I can see what all of you are eating and craving by looking at the most-liked on the HuffPost Taste account ― and it gives me an idea of how you’re all doing, too. If pasta and chocolate cake are trending, things must be dire. If smoothies and salads are getting the clicks, it’s probably January, when resolutions are top of mind.

So in looking at the 22 most popular of 2022, it’s clear we’ve been through it this year. In all my years of compiling this annual list, I’ve never seen a selection so thickly packed with comfort ― bolognese, tomato soup, ham and cheese croissants, pierogies, and several iterations of macaroni and cheese and mashed potatoes.

Take a look at the list below and give some of them a try. There’s a reason these are favorites, so here’s hoping they bring a little light into your life.


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