Is Fior Di Latte A Specific Type Of Cheese?

Where you see fior di latte in Italian restaurants gives you a good hint as to what type of it is. Often listed as part of a Caprese salad or pizza, fior di latte is a specific type of that most Americans would call mozzarella. According to Atlas, what makes fior di latte specific is the type of milk that’s used. In Italy, mozzarella is traditionally made with buffalo milk, while fior di latte is made with cow’s milk. But in the U.S., it’s completely the reverse — fresh mozzarella is traditionally fior di latte mozzarella, while the Italian buffalo milk style will be labeled mozzarella di bufala (via Eataly).

Both fior di latte and mozzarella di bufala come from southern Italy around Naples. But despite their similarities in production and origin, the different types of milk make a difference in how the cheeses taste. According to The Cheese Professor, fior di latte has a milder flavor because cow’s milk has a lower fat content than buffalo milk. Despite mozzarella di bufala having a more complex flavor, you see fior di latte more often on pizza. That’s because the process and toppings can overpower the cheese, rendering the differences moot and making the cheaper cow’s milk preferable. So next time you see fior di latte on a menu, you can order with confidence, knowing you’re getting a fresh mozzarella that even fastidious Italian pizza makers would approve of.


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