In Germany, Charles III makes organic ‘king cheese’

BERLIN (AP) — After schmoozing with Berlin’s political elite in the morning, headed to the German countryside for a down-to-earth afternoon visit at an organic farm, where Britain’s monarch helped make an orange-colored cheese with a


After schmoozing with Berlin’s political elite in the morning, headed to the German countryside for a down-to-earth afternoon visit at an organic farm, where Britain’s monarch helped make an orange-colored cheese with a crown imprint.

“We heard that the is a great lover of cheese,” said Katja von Maltzan, who with her husband runs the Brodowin farm 80 kilometers (50 miles) northeast of ’s capital.

“We took that as an opportunity to make our own creation for him,” the farmer told German news agency dpa.

The Brodowin King is a Tilsiter-style cheese infused with carrot juice to give it “a little sweetness and an orange color, like British cheddar,” she said.

Charles’ visit underlined his interest and commitment to environmental causes. His three-day visit to — his first foreign trip as Britain’s monarch — also included a reception dedicated to building a more sustainable world.

During the reception at German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s Bellevue Palace, he met government ministers, experts and advocacy group representatives. He and , the consort, arrived in Berlin on Wednesday.

Brodowin farm was established in 1991 on land that used to be part of an East German agricultural cooperative. The 2,300-hectare (5,683-acre) farm produces vegetables, dairy products, flax and sunflower oil, fresh meat and sausages according to strict organic standards. Almost all of its electricity is generated on-site through a .

At Brodowin farm, the British king met with young farming trainees and went on a tour of…


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