Eating Roman-Style Pizza…in Rome! πŸ• | Pinsere e Parole | Episode 1

We’ve officially made it to Italy! We’re at #Pinsere in #RomeItaly for some authentic #RomanStylePizza for , all thanks to YOU GUYS!!

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Regano [Music] [Music] You guys we are officially in Italy and Don't forget this is all because of you Guys so from the bottom of our hearts Huge huge thank you to every single one Of you donated who helped us get here Who's been continuing to help us here by Donating for beers while we're at the Airport during our lives just we cannot Thank you guys enough we've been in the City for a few hours yeah quite a bit of Time got after it got after a little bit [Music] Had to do the Trevi Fountain You gotta make a wish to toss a coin I think it's if you drink from this at The same time you're gonna fall in love Did that look sexual Episode [Music] We've been in Rome for two minutes and He already found a cannabis store So we're gonna grab one of these little Two Banger bikes and cruise around the Villa and give it a look-see with some Efficiency some speed It's gonna be fun let's go thank you Daddy thank you [Music] Hello to the Vlog Good thunder thighs I'm starting to feel the burn oh yeah

We're gonna be so sore tomorrow just Nine more days of walking then we did This on day one after six miles of Walking [Music] But we know why you guys are here you're Excited to see us in Italy but you're Very excited for the reviews just As much as we're excited to eat and Showcase it for you and today we're Kicking off things very strong Roman Style pizza it only made sense and we're Going to be one of the highest rated a Place that is always on topless here in Rome pin City [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you have a great day ciao ciao It looked amazing going into the box all Right we got two different pizzas cut Into four so eight slices from pincer Pennsylvania acquired in Italy jump cut Oh the first Peroni Different branding too yeah tastes a Little different too I dig it though Product of body Roma and Padova hey Let's go let's go sorry a little bit of A noisy Street here you guys are in it With us now this is how it is running And gunning and making the show in the Italy streets but uh let's go let's oh This is very exciting too Should have learned say it in

Italian let's go in for a Corey Wagner Hey guys second angle all right I might Need a little help from Sean on this one But what do we got here before these all Blow away again put them in the pocket Okay pocket napkins so on this one this Is smoked bruschetta no prosciutto oh It's called spec call it spec yeah What's the cheese you remember my Buffalo buffalo it's like a buffalo Cheese Buffalo yeah okay it's like a Mozz a little bit and then over on this One we've got a spicy pizza with red Onions and a red sauce base yeah spicy Salami spicy red onions and then that Kind of like Tangy red marinara kind of More individual pizzas cut into four so You'll see in Rome you'll see like the Focaccia style where they kind of weigh It out and that kind of thing or you can Get this dope looking pieces yeah yeah This place has like 2500 reviews and a 4.7 rating super popular all right I Think we should start with the same one Together I got this in my hand yeah Buffalo smoked prosciutto Looks incredible it does 10 bucks for a Pie Cheers Oh that fantastic It's got like a really crispy crust There's really nothing like the way Rome Does pizza Oh yeah that's amazing it's so crispy

The flavor comes through so hard that Meat is so great smoked for sure but Like barely not barely no it's not over Pounding smoke and what'd they put on Top of it they did a drizzle yeah was That like a pesto olive oil Absolutely thank you Also a little less than ten dollars for Pizza because that was with the beer 20 Total we got two pizzas and two beers Two peroni's 20 bucks total 20 Euro Total I think the pizza was 750 Euros For 250 so like hmm pretty good price For I mean two pizzas like this and two Beers in Chicago ain't 20 euros this is So good so wait what is this meat so Prosciutto prosciutto but it's smoked And in Italy he said they call that spec I just really just unbelievable guys Standing on a street In Rome because of you Guys Insane yeah brilliant Yeah I feel like it's kind of like It's not like New York style but it's The fact that it's so thin it's like not Like Detroit style it's not like Chicago Style it really is its own like shatter It's got its own crisp yeah it's its own Thing for sure all right we're gonna go Into this one that's spicy yeah This one really intrigues so the guy That sold us this one he said this is

His favorite pizza they make and it's Looking great cheers Oh yeah oh yeah I'm such a big red onion Guy I love that one oh and here comes The spice at the end I like this one Even more first one was fantastic this One hits even deeper flavors and then Yeah the Tang of that onion both of them Are amazing And the crisp of the crust I can't get Over how much I love this crops keep Talking about it right I ain't gonna Stop you I'm glad I love that this is amazing so So good So a lot of you guys following along Um with our journey to get here I'll keep it short but our flight was Delayed out of Chicago so they booked us On another flight that one also got Delayed so they were kind of Ping-ponging between which flight to get Us on we already checked our bags we Went to another gate agent Corey found This guy to get us a direct flight Rather than connecting through Atlanta To go straight to Rome saved us a ton of Time a ton of hassle so that was great Lucky we had to run over this other Terminal everything was going good the Only bad thing that happened on that They didn't send Corey's bag his checked Bag with his clothes and a very special Hot sauce yeah

Um which would have been great on this So we're hoping we're gonna get that bag By tomorrow they're going to drive it to The Airbnb But yeah fingers crossed but all things Considered could be worse I got this way Better slice yeah I do want to end on One of these so that was smart Looking very good man that one had such A good tang with that spicy sausage or Spicy salami Oh this is so good [Music] The pedestrians are loving this we're Getting a lot of smiles and two thumbs Up so far we found out in Italy a thumbs Up yourself Hey look it's too much less Successful Dave portnoy's you know I Don't want to be a stupid tourist We're also hoping to hit banchi which is Like one of the most famous pizzas in The world they have one in Chicago but The real deal one here by the Michelangelo of pizza hoping to get that I'm excited to see what the difference Is if I can remember yeah I remember Being like that's just pretty good when I had it in Chicago but my gut tells me Like Sam you know chains go you move it Across the uh the world and all of a Sudden you don't have the main big dog There breathing down your neck people Get lazy I think the wrong one's gonna Hit in a way that we can't even fathom

All right banchi cheers Oh that's interesting I like the crush I Love the crust There's meat I do not Smoky like at all to me not Like which is a good thing for me right They also could not have been nicer in There oh my God it's all accommodating The whole process took like three Minutes in and out You know it's funny they're like Hardcore fans who watch our lives and by The time this comes out they know the Entire story yeah they really do I was Thinking about that and we this is day One for us uh-huh like diamonds comes Out everyone's like no we know yeah Cory And John broke up and they got back Together they kissed on camera yeah We're going on like we basically have a Combined five hours of sleep in the last 30 hours yeah so um we're running on Adrenaline espresso and now Peyronie's So And I actually feel great yeah it's I Have it hasn't hit me yet if you want Doesn't matter you pick yours I'm one of those dudes I can if I get Like two or if I get usually four hours But three I can make deal I can power Through three hours on a plane though is Not three hours in a bed but I Understand what you're saying I completely get it I do oddly well with

Low sleep you're good at adapting at the Situation yeah I'm demolishing this I think it's a very earn your beers earn Your pizza day too we like had this Crazy bike thing we did we walked around Like crazy shot a bunch of footage and Like truly earning our beers okay I Brought one Sticker for every city we're gonna be in Hey and we're just north of the Trevi Fountain this is like an Easter stamp Come on over Foreign Or until this disintegrates first first Person to find it and uh Take a picture and tag us on Gets 10 free shirts Get something for free got a stairwell Here forty dollars worth of free merch a Couple restaurants that's uh Restaurante Hey don't give them too many hints this Is an Easter egg hunt it's a Ristorante An intern Pizza I love both these pizzas And I don't think I have a favorite I Think they're both unique and both Amazing yeah how much stuff have we done So far nineteen thousand and it's it's Three o'clock it's three o'clock on day One guy Also it's so light that like eating four Pieces of pizza yeah is not like eating Four pieces of pizza in America Even uh I'm gonna feel good yeah even Like New York style because New York

Style is so much greasier it might not Be that much dough but it's still gonna Hit you with the grease yeah I'm blown away it was so so both of Those are amazing if you are in Rome and You want to fire pizza spot I stake my Name on this this is about as as good as Any pizza you can get in Chicago yeah or Stateside uh-huh this is really good Stuff smash that what'd you expect Adorable box too napkin piece of paper Yeah these are the weirdest snap feels Like I'm using wax paper to wipe my Mouth I wonder if that's just a them thing or We're gonna see that yeah right that was Sean's napkin review that would be a bad Idea be about a point five yeah it Wouldn't be good but you know what I Didn't come to Rome for the napkins Um I don't know if you guys knew that That's what he came here Dude I've heard the napkin quality Plus on that The street that was going to was labia Labia Street yeah They just really go for it here huh okay So we're gonna be eating a bunch of Then we have no business comparing to Other Roman food because it's gonna be a Lot of our first time so how should we Break this down to them the next couple Weeks yeah so I think we do either it's Great like you have to get it it's

Pretty good average or a skip something Something like that would like more General terms that sound good I love That I love that break down kick it off What are you giving it okay I'm telling You guys right away that was amazing I Think that's already a musket that's as Good as any pizza that I think I've had On this show I'm not kidding when I say That the crust was so crunchy it wasn't Thick and dense it doesn't make you feel Heavy the flavor profiles were amazing The spicy and the uh Smoky prosciutto Speca spec the spec unbelievable I mean Little you guys have to get that again And the exact same way that is one of The best pizzas I've had in a very very Long time and it brought something so Unique to it to Rome it didn't feel like I was just having good pizza in another Part of the world it truly felt Authentic to hear the price was insanely Good I think so too a beer and a purple Pizza for 10 bucks look at 10 bucks I Think that's I feel full I feel great But I also feel agile yeah He just did them I'm gonna say that's a Must stop I think you should absolutely Seek that out and grab it Um you guys are gonna know once you see That pizza on screen you see our Reaction you're gonna know if that Resonates with you and I'm just so glad We did it I think dude I can't believe

How right that price was you're right I Point that out I loved that 10 bucks a Pop and we got a beer and a whole pizza Get real like a little personal Pizza Yeah well well I'm obsessed we're gonna Keep the fun Italy stuff going we're Gonna parcelain some of the travel and Things we do throughout this trip we're Still having more days in Rome we have Naples we have Amalfi Coast so stick Around subscribe to the channel and like This video and follow along with Hopefully our three weeks of content Here in Italy yeah oh also Please grant us forgiveness if uh a Screen pops on with all the donators who Got us here I tried to write them all up But it was a crazy day and I'm sure that Maybe a name or two or a dollar amount It might not be exact so just have a Little forgiveness for us yeah we're Just basing it off of the list that we Got so salute and on to the next video Thank you guys for being here we love You cheers Amazing man that was great [Applause] [Music] Oh All right you guys ready for a food Review Seriously though next time in Italy We're renting one of these