Eating Nellie’s Jibaritos & Cuban Sandwiches | *HUMBOLDT PARK, CHICAGO* šŸ„Ŗ

Today we’re at #NelliesChicago in #HumboldtPark for some #Jibaritos as well as some #CubanSandwiches for the show! Enjoy this one! Also: What’s a cuisine you feel like is slept on in the world?! Comment below!

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You guys it's another eat local kind of Day here at That's Corey I'm Sean today we're going To a kind of Puerto Rican Cuban hybrid Restaurant called Nellie's me and the Boys uh we met two fantastic sandwiches On the menu for you today and then also This week don't forget if you buy a hat Or a pin off of .com you get a free bottle of six Or sauce you can try or tried and true The gold boy himself Mr six or sauce so Uh pump you guys are here let's do a review I know he's excited I know I Am [Music] Ha [Music] All right that's a pickup for Sean Amazing thank you another good one all Right guys a couple of sandwiches from Nellie's in that bag acquired jump cut Excited to try this place it's been Around 17 years it's like a staple of The Humboldt Park neighborhood 's second angle all right I got The Cubano and man this looks and smells So good Um so pretty standard Cubano we've got What on ham pork looks like pesto I'm Assuming maybe like a garlic yeah paste Smells very garlicky and then if I open It up we've got some pickles which you Expect on a Cuban and uh cheese

I think that covers it yeah yeah Normally mustard but it looks like they Use that like spread instead yeah that Look that looks really good oh it smells So good all right and then I got the Ibarito Um very popular here in Chicago Chicago Kind of made this a thing yeah kind of Only popular in Chicago from what I hear I don't know too many other places that Have that yeah I don't like Puerto Rico But like I think Chicago kind of blew it Up yeah it made it a thing yeah so it's A press sandwich but instead of bread You have fried plantains like smashed so Smashed you're seeing footage right now Of how they get smashed and they're Dropped in the fryer and it's just like So fantastic so cool Um they're really really neat I'm hooked On them there's a couple trucks in Chicago I love that sell these and this Is kind of my like go-to when I can get A sandwich that I'm like gonna really Enjoy and I'm gonna splurge on myself And actually get something I love any Burrito I thought a dirty sauce got a Very dirty thought you said that mine's Got because you can get chicken or steak Or whatever all right here we go Nellie's cheers [Music] So much flavor doesn't disappoint this Is one of the best ones I've ever had

Wow one bite them that like garlicky Spread I think it's a pesto it's good This thing is absolutely legit like that Is some of the most flavorful pork I've Had on one of these wow The meat's good I love Cuban bread Cory's was ten dollars mine was 12. you Can add a side for two bucks we're just Doing reviews all the time so we Kind of we don't get the sides unless we Absolutely have to get the sides so if You want that two bucks extra Maybe yes I think this is too much pesto For me wow which I've had that problem Before they're strong I have my own Pastel at home and I put on sandwiches And I know that I'm well known to me for Over pestoing yeah and I'll do it like Meatball subs and be like Texas meatball Subs not as good because I did too much Pesto I think this is too much that's on It for me I'm gonna do a little pesto Scrape I think on the second half It's funny because like the traditional Problem in restaurants is they don't Give enough so right right so to give Too much is kind of comical yeah And they didn't even put that much on There I think it's just so strong There's like highly concentrated I like the addition of the Puerto Rican Flag just in both parts of the sandwich Yeah it's great I had some sixer sauce Hot sauce does balance out the pesto

Flavor pretty pretty well Hopefully that'll yeah I'm gonna do some On this sandwich as well if you ever Come to Chicago and you're here for a Little bit longer if you can get to Humboldt Park and try some of the Puerto Rican food here like we're really Spoiled because like there's a huge Puerto Rican population here so there's So many great restaurants but to me it's Like kind of what I tell people if they Want to get off the path of just the Pizzas and the beefs and the hot dogs I Swear man if you like want to get a Little more adventurous get some Puerto Rican food in your life ma'am But it's one of those things like the First bite I'm usually like oh this is Good it gets overpowering quick damn That's pretty wild you wanna take a bite And see what you think yeah I'm like Really like interested yeah just curious There's hot there's six or sauce on it So that did help actually there's like The most of it I'm just gonna go right Where you were yeah That's a lot right it's not just me I Thought you were being like a little bit Over the top yeah you're not okay good Whoa It's really salty it's so salty That's almost more to me what's like too Much about it you know I think that is Probably what it is that is because the Oh my God there's so much sodium whoa

That's a bit a bit too much for me today I bet this type of place it just depends On the day a little bit but that is they Give you a two liter of water yeah no Kidding Somebody just ate one yeah man what do They call that sauce I got to see like What the order thing says She's tug it in that water yeah I'm Kidding garlic cilantro dressing okay so It's not a pastel it looks like one yeah But yeah garlic so you can unclick it if You want to to save yourself on that and Add your own kind of like they have a Bunch of different if you eat in there This place is also known for being the Only breakfast buffet in a Puerto Rican Restaurant in Chicago it's like known For this epic breakfast buffet I don't Know too many breakfast buffets at all That no it's really not like super super You don't hear that often I feel no but They like they're known for that and um They named it after because it's like a Family-owned restaurant their mom was Like big into taking them out to Breakfast so they wanted to honor her by Having like the best breakfast buffet in The city which I'd love to do I love a Breakfast buffet I haven't really done Much breakfast buffet and since I used To like grow up and go to Big Boy Parents would take me to the breakfast Buffet a big boy yeah I don't think I've

Ever had a breakfast buffet in my life What about it like a Holiday Inn So this thing is like the perfect Balance of flavors like it's not Overpowering on anything Oh this guy's over here bragging that's What I said This place across the street Free one liter soda With uh perch for pizza you don't see That very often you don't see that you Know Michael's the only place I can Think of oh Michael's does that we got Sodas oh my God I completely forgot About that yep a lot of people that Substitute something for bread and a Sandwich it's like you're probably doing It for like less carbs or less bread Lettuce wrap or something like that this Is one of the only things that you could Sub in for bread for me that that helps It yeah like a flavor enhancer and it Probably got to be healthier I'm Assuming it's still fried but it is a Banana it's a banana basically instead Of Flowery bread right yeah yeah also The texture of plantains is so nice it's Got like a crunchy kind of like it's a More fun consistency to me with for this Sandwich there's more to it Yeah that's such an awesome move I'm so Glad that Chicago's got that under their Belt it's like one of their things it's Uh it's nice first person that ever

Turned us out of these Ollie six Ollie Six we drove past one of his uh graffiti Walls earlier today I I didn't bring it Up but I saw it right awesome artist and Um yeah we had him on the show like Earlier on before we were doing a ton of Guest stuff yeah yeah all right well That was delicious as hell Lucky I think Puerto Rican food is like Maybe one of the more slept on genres of Food I have no doubt about it to me dude Like I don't you know I don't expect my Hometown to have really good Puerto Rican food like there's not a huge Population there but like man if you can Find little pockets of places that have A Puerto Rican population eat there okay Before we rate it real quick last little Breakdown I like the Press I feel like They probably more often than not I Don't know probably make a good sandwich I would say the kind of vibe that I just Got like a bad one but oh that was that Was that was rough if I I wanted to Finish I couldn't it was a way Overpowering uh and 10 bucks for the Size if it was good that'd be a decent Price but yeah man if they food process Like that cilantro to make that sauce Cilantro is very very like heavy flavor So if you really concentrate that and It's just yeah that's real quick to me Because cilantro a lot of times too much For me like yeah if it's done in big

Quantities Um mine was fantastic it was one of the Best ibarritos I've had in Chicago 12 Bucks kind of the going rate for those Like 10 12 bucks I'm used to that so That's right online um I think if you Want to try those that's a great place To start yeah all right Alex you're back Bump that we're gonna rate this out of Five immediately know what I wanted uh To write Now to the hundredth family done that in A while all right cut it off cut it out On the count of three one two three yeah Four seven five I had to go out I get Off we had different experiences hate Doing that hate doing it to a local spot But man that was brutal if you're Wondering what I took points off for Actually kind of one of the smaller ones For that price I've seen them done quite A bit bigger that was really my only Beef guys don't forget to like this Video subscribe to the channel and also Remember you buy a hat or a pen you get A free sixer sauce today to comment with You guys to kind of hang out and become Friends get to know each other a little Bit what's a genre of food a Cuisine That you feel like doesn't get enough Love like we're talking about the Puerto Rican Cuisine being amazing a lot of People don't know about it what would Your answer be comment below we'll

Comment ours and we'll see you again Very very soon tomorrow for another Video so on to the next one peace [Music]