Eating Screamin’ Sicilian’s Mother of Meat Stromboli | *with COREY STORY TIME*

We ate the @ScreaminSicilian Stromboli today…along with a fun Corey story! #ScreaminSicilian #MotherofMeat #StromboliReview

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#KFCMukbang #KentuckyFriedChicken #DoubleDownVideo

Oh Blood pad okay We're in sweatpants on a number six Couldn't put jeans on I got some Explaining to do boys we'll get to that In a second oh my God I'm sitting on a pad S They're staying on your pants idiot what Is that What are you talking about man dude Is that blood before we get started here Today a shout out a merch shout out to Angelica Jesus who bought two bottles of Sixer sauce at .com we appreciate you it is time To get Monday drunk Oh it's a Friday video [Applause] You told me to do it I screwed up again When the moon hits your eye like a Bigger Pizza Pie That's Amore [Music] When the world seems to shine like You've had too much wine that's some More Bells will ring tingling I programmed This video wrong this is a Friday video Welcome to reviews [Music] Excited to get into why with this Jamaican classic beer should we start There do you want to start with the red Stripe and the and then I'll get

Into it yeah 4.7 Lager beer from Jamaica Red stripes a classic here in America Which is funny yeah since 1928 and um We've been we've done a lot of like big Milestones on this channel but I think My favorite moment is the first time we Had screaming Sicilian and Corey put on The old mustache That's a classic Oh and then what are we eating today Today we've got screaming sicilian's Stromboli this has ham Salami sliced pepperoni pizza sauce Mozzarella provolone cheese all wrapped In Artisan dough look at that box look At that mustache I used to love Strombolis from Sbarro when I would go To the mall as a kid I thought they were The fanciest yeah they're pretty I Really really enjoyed it I also love This about screaming Sicilian they take Their flavor combinations like there's a Mother of meats Pizza yeah and they make It into other things yeah wrap it up Make it a strombolis the holy pepperoni It's a pizza it's a stromboli and it's Bread I love it brilliant I really Wasn't sure about this at the start but I'm very excited to get into this we uh We air fried these for a bunch of time Then we microwaved it to kind of get That the middle middle molten and then We air fried it again uh upside down to Get the bottom that got soggy dried up And crispy we put a lot of work into

This but now it's done and it's looking Pretty fast look at that look at that Cross section they're unbelievable we Cut this one in half all right [Music] It's a burrito with slits in it yeah It's a strombolia burrito is it a pizza Burrito it's a pizza it's a Pizza Rita I Have to eat from back here I can't do Much leaning forward all right we'll uh Get into why he's sitting on a pee pad Cheers Really good A little dry but this is going to be Such look at this a big kind of looks a Little erratic Um a good sauce vehicle I should Probably have a couple more bites first It's really good flavor's good things I Don't like you guys have the dryness Yeah We need that internal meat it doesn't Get that cooked sensation it's still Like deli meat like the wet deli meat I Like my pepperonis like crisped up when They're on the outside yeah the heat Gets to them it really is like just like Uh not as cooked slices of like salami And pepperoni all that being said great It's such a good flavor though I like This a lot like I don't love it but I Like it This is good I dig it very greasy you see these drips

I'm getting Why don't you kind of get into it and The grease of the meat kind of seeps Into the rest of it it gets a little Less dry but you got to kind of you got To disrupt the meats yeah get up in There huh all right make a little six Sauce in there I'm not afraid to go at It early I'm gonna pour a little beer in Mine a little red stripe yeah it needs Like a little bit of like Whoa there we go does that make it Better or weirder both okay I can already tell yours is gonna hit The spot huh exercise money move It is just too bready Um Maybe not people pour a little bit of Beer in their chili pour some beer on Your strombolis I will say I don't think don't they do That during the process Absolutely that's not a Topper because It sure isn't okay okay I'm gonna use a little bit of this Finely grated Parmesan cheese That we got from froza I like how like thin that is I thought they have other size of holes I like fine holes Better they're really growing on me too All right enough about the food we want To know about the left side of the Screen right now the host all right guys

What's going on here I got a few secrets To tell you some things I need the Sweatpants I have to wear them the Facial growth I shave in the shower I'm Not allowed to shower for another six Hours or so yesterday my wife had to go Out and buy feminine pads and I have Them stuck inside my underwear right now Why is that that's because I got what They call an abscess That Grew inside my Left butt cheek about four inches about Two inches and they cut me open and Scraped me out yesterday that was very Painful and so I just had to describe my General look or not describe I had to Justify yeah justify this look so for The next four we filmed four of these so For the next month of pizza videos This is what you're gonna be seeing it's Incredible how honest you are with this Audience so many people would just like Film this differently so they don't Really see you waist down you're just so Open and I think you were open in a Bunch of different ways yeah I'm opening The fact I have a second butthole right That was the main opening but uh Appreciate your uh transparency Does the pizza Stromboli make it better Oh yeah I've gotten a lot of nicknames Too you want to hear them of course they Originally thought it was a boil it was The difference between a boil and an Abscess I guess okay there's an abscess

Is just larger and deeper in your body So that's probably great to scrape out Definitely my uh wife was calling her Dad her uncle and all her friends to Tell them all how I was transitioning She keeps telling me because of the Whole the amount of times she's told me No because my period oh right right Right I have gauze hanging out of a hole In my body that's covered in blood in my Wife causing my tampon string she's been Telling everybody I'm transitioning she Was telling me now don't worry you're Gonna grow some hair down there but if You have any questions you So far Susan Boyle perfect uh honest one And my wife told me last night that she Thinks that's the one that's gonna stick Because she hurt my wound whistling and It came in the the same tune as Susan Boyle so take that for what it is Circon and boil and then uh Chef Boyle Rd that's my favorite yeah I like Chef Boiler I think that's what her uncle is Calling me do you have PTSD if I start Doing this No I like that I'm scraping inside your Your hole that's how they got it out That's how I at least thought about it Man this is a fun episode it's Informative No let's just cheering me up really Really try some of that you do this yet No it's like that pizza seasoning yeah

Oh yeah oh it is like Super Bowl Dusty There's bigger holes for the pharmacy Right oh yeah It still doesn't do much do that yeah My wife made me sit on a pee pad Uh in the car ride home And made me sleep on one right and Whenever I get on this couch so when we Watched a movie last night and I did Bleed on two of the three of those so They're two of the four Get well soon Corey mm-hmm it'll be Another month of pizza videos but I'll Get there so these strombolis yeah how Much were these at Jewel Osco very Popular chain here in Illinois 4.99 and There's only one in there okay they're Good I wish I knew hot pocket for Reference I bet it's 230 240. you get Two but this is way bigger I know you Get pizzas for five bucks which makes This a tough tough buy but those pizzas Are trash 329 for two yeah it's tough this is to Me so much better but I'm only saying That based on not having the other one Sitting right next to me because I like A Hot Pocket don't get me wrong see I Think I like a Hot Pocket slightly Better just because a little less bread Although this does have better flavoring I think this is so much better than a Hopper yeah you're probably right but is It priced in a way you'd like it better

But it still take a lot more work than a Hot Pocket I know did you like Mike you Could technically microwave this I just Think it would just not be that good That's what I'm thinking if we did this What we do to Hot Pockets this would be Disturbing but then what we had to do Either have to bake it in the oven for 32 minutes which is crazy way too much Time for the air fryer we air fried for Eight then for another four then Microwaved for two then flipped upside Down and air fried it again for two more Minutes then one more minute because it Needed more then flipped it back onto Its bottom to air fry it for another two Or three that's a lot of work it still Ended up being like 25 minutes I don't Know man it's tough It's just it depends On what you want yeah do you want Something if you're getting this Expected to be eat quick I bet it's not Going to be that right nearly as good is It trying to change the champ on yeah Man overall I really do like that like I'm you know you kind of sit in it after You eat something and you're like yeah That's the thing overall it's really Good so it probably is worth it I mean We'll see I guess we'll see I wish Hot Pocket would start calling themselves an Italian style melt that's so fancy that Is fancy Eric McCluskey Dremel please Thank you sir on the count of three

Corey if you like to enjoy but the main Thing should the Sixers spend five bucks On one of these bad boys bunch of Different flavors this is the mother of Meats do you think you have an answer Let's do it Oh you need a distractor me for my open My second butthole that's the end enough Said testimonial done done done it's all Just what you're looking for if you want Something quick and easy this may be Necessarily isn't what you get yeah but If you're looking for a lot of flavor Yeah this is really tasty for that five Bucks even the five dollar pizzas are Gonna be same thing they're gonna be More food and maybe just as easier to do But they're not gonna they don't find Out pizza don't taste me as good as this In my opinion I agree that was really Good screaming Sicilian top to bottom Does a really good job as a company they Really do guys don't forget to like the Video subscribe to the channel new Videos Monday through Friday got a lot Of fun stuff coming up and then today What would you put in your ideal Stromboli what kind of ingredients would You pack in there to make your favorite Combination comment below we'll come at Hours We'll see you very soon this was a Friday video not a Monday video sure I'll have a drink

Do love me some red stripe it's really Not that bad all right let's check the Pad Damn it everyone's hoping it was gonna Be gushes [Music] Thank you Believe me