Eating Domino’s $25 *BROOKLYN-STYLE PIZZA* with Pepperoni & Italian Sausage

This is @dominos #BrooklynStylePizza for $25. #DominosPizza has had this on the menu for a while, but it’s not talked about much these days. So we had to try it. #NumberSixWithCheese

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[Applause] [Music] Sixers internet hello welcome back to that's Corey I'm Sean and today a From Domino's they've had these for a While we've never done it and we've had Some people comment about how it's Actually really good here you go one all right What's a what's a Brooklyn-style pizza what are you nuts You tell them Ma it's good pizza boss Brooklyn style pepperoni so today Pepperoni and Italian sausage on a Quote-unquote Brooklyn style pizza from Domino's Domino's Brooklyn style pizza Bus Big Slice big toppings you gotta Fold it like this you call that a fold Come on fold it like a man this thing Was like 25 for a large pizza so I'm Hoping it's gonna be good and then today Also we just dropped our eating pants That's right Eating pants because sometimes you don't Want to spill grease on your good ass Jeans dude you want to eating pan it up So be clear we only dropped them for Patreon members patreon members only Next week we'll have them for everybody But before they sell out get your eating Pants if you are a patreon member Eating your pants that we made for you Let's go

Domino's tracker the world's greatest Invention it's it's ready [Music] Yeah Awesome man thank you so much have a Good day [Music] All right a 14 inch Brooklyn style 24.99 two-topping pizza from Domino's Has been acquired in that box jump cut Get the freaking door it's Domino's Brooklyn style pizza I haven't had Domino's Pizza in a while we did those Loaded tats right yeah yeah it was Surprised about how much I like that I Know but I don't think we've done a Domino's Pizza in a while no I'm excited All right Sixers on the dash second angle rip it open whoa That is way smaller than I expected Um what do we get on your sausage Sausage and pep they got some kind of Weird looking sausage but I'm here for It just by looks alone the Pizza Hut one Looks way better I agree way more like Actual New York style we'll wait to let The flavor do the talking but there's my Two cents for you guys I didn't expect The sausage to be like rough cut from Like sausage links almost I thought it Was going to be like that little bald Sausage that's what I thought the Squares I kind of like am into this and How are even square ones made because

Link's around too yeah that is weird now That I think about it this is odd but Hey whatever it looks it looks good it's Just a small pizza yeah for 25 yeah I Gotta get a new job now yeah right That's the saddest thing to walk by and See us doing yeah I was clocking that For sure This box real quick Oh wow that's good perforation yeah Domino saw you coming they did they knew What's up before I take in 1100 Milligrams of salt let me have some Water these are always so salty you see The grease puddles on those pepperonis By the way it's like water oh yeah Splash around with that in some boots Um definitely not that slice with almost I was gonna say over here but is this Even is this just one gigantic that's a King slice oh wow I don't actually know if that'll be get A big boy manageable I don't know if I Want this it's a lot yes one of your Pepperonis fell out and landed look at This cut Dude it's weird right there's some Oblong cots mine is so greasy so greasy All right guys Brooklyn style pizza at Domino's cheers [Music] That tastes good I'm not hating it whenever I hear Brooklyn style I always think of uh Greg

Simmons redhead gap between his teeth oh Okay got it just so funny yeah yeah okay He has a joke where he's like plays like Just just BS hockey and he's at the bar And he's got his hockey equipment and His buddy's like hey man you play hockey And you're like yeah yeah no I don't Just carry on my goddamn yeah yeah he's Like yeah well you don't play Brooklyn Style man we be slicing people up with Our skates and he's like yeah yeah We don't play Brooklyn style work you Mean attempted murder no we don't do That it was such a good bat Brooklyn Style so no one ever hear Brooklyn style Like that's clearly the person It's such a bummer about the price and I Know what some people are gonna say you Gotta use Searching very long to get like some Money off this if I go to the app and I Use it and you have my email address you Got me you should be giving me deals Because this is really good our goal is To be like the in and out experience Yeah the go and grab it experience not The we're not the couponers experience No dude I'm not trying to clip coupons Like they do like oh on certain days you Can get the carryout special for do I Shouldn't have to be like what day is it Can't order Domino's today I gotta wait Till Tuesday right I don't like that at All this is really good though this is

Great I actually really dig it how do You feel about sausage I don't know if I Honestly love it let me see if I can Have some by itself because I'm telling You what I'm tasting just grease and Sauce Yeah I mean I actually don't mind that At all you don't mind it okay that kind Of more just like bald sausage I don't Really dig like I'm trying to think who I thought Domino's did that for their Sausage is there two different types of Sauce yeah that seems new to them maybe There's like sausage and Italian sausage And I clicked Italian sausage because I Honestly prefer this to the other little Like tasteless little water pellets oh Yeah yeah Dominoes they were featured in that show I watched the food that made America Yeah started a place called Dominic's Okay that a set of college Brothers Bought that mainly made sandwiches and a Newfangled thing that just came to America called the pizza okay And uh their big thing was they were Like the first to do delivery you know Pizza Hut didn't deliver for a long While had no idea yeah You know where Dominics was That's okay I tried All right there's somebody to ask you a Question it's like deep in your brain a Lot of people had to go

Here's a bag Dirty bag of sauce Do you guys with dominoes I do me Too the price I mean not with this price I wouldn't get this one I would get the Like the mediums where you can get them For 5.99 yeah that's what that's what I Always go for the mix and match it's so Cheap you can get two freaking mediums For 11 bucks so we could you could get What like four yeah four four pizzas or One of these yeah yeah and you could Also get for twenty four dollars a pizza A pasta a bread and like cinnamon toy For 24 hours it's crazy I went with the Big boy just to show you how much of a Man I am you're such a you got big hands Big ego Big Mouth Big Talent yep how was It with this exercise oh great dude I'm Gonna do Um I guess I'll do this one that one not This one this one well we're trying to Separate That might be the worst piece of pizza I've ever seen in my life they didn't Even get sauce on this whole chunk not Even the sauce Dude the amount of grease on this Cardboard is disturbing we'll have to Show them after them should have worn my Eating pants yeah well technically I did So the idea of the eating pants came From me actually having these these Pants because I don't wear these pants

For anything other than when we film and So now I have no guilt about if I spill On them because you have some episodes Where I've gotten some grease on some Jeans I've liked and I can't get it out And I look at it every time and I'm like You idiot so I thought the idea of some People some people will go out and just Eat and you know what wear your uni Pants no shame dude I mean a little bit Of shame but like not from us it's like Going to the all you can eat crab and Having to stuff that thing down your Shirt the um yeah we should come on dibs Dude we should maybe we could do bibs Next time would you guys buy bibs Look at this little like placement here I'm gonna do like little dabs of sixer Sauce and garlic butter on this slice You just out here just pulling Pro moves Out dude like it's no big deal I've been Doing this a while that's putting me to Shame my guy I like the dabbles I'm a little worried How much I enjoy this it's fantastic the The Pizza Hut one's better man I'd love To have them side by side I really would I want to believe you I mean almost size Alone bro well in price yeah how much Was that one it was like half the price Double a size no it was like what was it It was like maybe for two toppings Whatever we got I think it was like 15 16 bucks oh man so it's still a ten

Dollar savings And that's a limited time only thing This has been there this will be there For you this is a forever yeah you can You can count on it and guys guess what We don't even live in Brooklyn Oh I feel myself getting fatter but I'm Pretty happy about it there's something About garlic butter just dumped on your Pizza yeah just feel the fatness setting Them I feel the grease piling up on my Forehead it was happy fat I love having Fat's the best fact happy fat I'm just Out here coming out new shirt ideas yeah I'm happy fat maybe that's what the bib Will say happy fast happy Fab in a logo sucking the Garlic butter off my fingers I can't Make fun of you like I I do this with You every week for seven years so guys Today marks the first episode since We've returned from Italy oh yeah we Went live a ton of times the last couple Weeks and we're actually filming this Video before we've done that trip so the Reason we're not gushing over Italy is Because we don't know what happens yet Yeah we haven't it's in the future right We might in a future past we might have Had a scuffle with giant salami sticks You know in Italy and just fought with Them like javelins Um Evelyn's huh yeah

Yeah I've never really seen much Medieval stuff before Medieval it's in the Olympics I was Thinking of the one what's the uh what's The one where they ride on the horses And they like jousting jousting and Javeling two different things we might Have one sausage of throwing yeah There's an art form of horsing Is that the right term no yeah here's my Box all right sick I think it's this way That whole episode with no napkins like Up here all right I gotta show you this Okay not these guys they don't care this Is why I like the slip-in tabs Impossible to now close yeah most people Aren't ripping the top off their box Though but I understand what you're Saying yeah that's a good point You made a good point too I think this Is unclosable Some doors in life Corey cannot be Closed once it's open it's open forever Pedophilia and horse banging did you Know well I put those two things Together because my wife's watching the Documentary on uh Jared and he used to Bang horses did you know that come on Swear to God apparently this is a much Must watch Doc she says how is banging Horses somehow the second worst thing That guy's ever done for real for real That is most people's bottom yeah Honestly also sometimes going to Subway

Is people's bottoms yeah Foreign Before we rate that pizza in all of our glory and uh the resume We've built one last little breakdown go For it I thought it was fine it's pizza Pizza's Pizza Good I just thought Pizza Huts was so Much better it was so much bigger it was So much cheaper and it's kind of the Only other like barometer that I have For New York style yeah So I just kind of it got got took a hit Pizza the only other place we've ever Done like a New York style is Papa John's ever gotten into that realm I bet They have yeah I bet we've done it I Probably I bet I don't remember well I Know you don't remember otherwise you'd Be telling us right now yeah there it is That's uh the New York style pepperoni Pizza from Papa John's looks a lot like The regular style Cheers Cheers This is a good thickness of pizza I mean That was a great first bite I dig this a Lot of pepperonis on this pizza this Slice has nine that's awesome this Almost reminds me of like old school Pizza Hut thickness yeah overall I like I said I'm very surprised how much I Liked it I thought it was nice and thin There was I thought good amount of Coverage with ingredients it was super Greasy but like I don't know if that's

Ever a bad thing with pizza no I like That I don't really I know some people Like will take a napkin and dab it dude You're just leasing losing flavor and Losing money what are you French this is The most adorable puppy I am obsessed a Kid is 23 he just got his first like Puppy and job out of college probably About to get so much Side piece yeah I was gonna say what Word should I use I was gonna I thought You were gonna say put all right I Thought it was pretty good I just want To rate it uh Alex Trebek uh bumped that Track Okay not bad not bad Um I bet you we're gonna have wildly Different scores I don't know man Because I'm gonna hurt it a lot because Of the price the price the price crushes It the price crushes it if that was 11.99 it might be more than a four for Me oh wow I wouldn't go that high but It's a lot higher than that yeah this Isn't bad I think you're gonna I think You're I'm gonna guess you're gonna say Two I'm gonna say you're at a two three All right average one two three ah oh I Went lower I thought they was smack dab In the middle because of the price hey Look a 25 Pizza got a 2.5 you know I Think all your nice things bumped me up A lot I guess yeah I thought so 2.5 for Us is like take it or leave it smack dab

In the middle so like I think because of The price that's the take it or leave it Yeah you're probably right I'm telling You what the score go with that one yeah Yeah that people are gonna be like like Mines are blown that I was the one like Loving it it was lower than it doesn't Make any sense I'm a real One of them oh sorry jokester guys thank You for being here um like the video Subscribe to the channel we are here Monday through Friday I'm coming off the Best probably week and a half of the Show we've had in a long long time I Would assume and then today to comment With you guys to interact throughout the Day what two ingredients would you have Put on this Brooklyn style pizza I know Obviously we went pepperoni and uh Square Italian sausage weird what would You have done we'll come at ours Um I mean I basically picked this so I'm Excited to hear Corey's Guys very soon for another episode uh Thank you so much and then patreon People go snag them eating pants so all The grease that spills is no longer a Problem right can't wait to get mine and Put them on pants [Music] Come on [Music] Can't stop thinking about you everyday [Music]