We Finally Went To Jay’s Beef in Harwood Heights for Cheesy Italian Beef Sandwiches πŸ₯©πŸ₯ͺ

Today we’re at #JaysBeef in #HarwoodHeights for some #ItalianBeefSandwiches on the show!!

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[Music] You guys hello hope you're doing well Happy New Year and today a local Chicago Kind of we're at a Just Northwest of Chicago and we're Going to Jay's Beef of Cactus Dan from last week also said this Place is awesome we're getting two Cheesy beefs pumped you are here yeah Guys also want to do a patreon shout out Today for Derek poudreau who gave us uh He signed up for the ten dollar tier so Not only whenever you're seeing those Tips he's tipping us on like every video Plus he's part of our like monthly you Know patreon donation process yeah he Gets all the videos early I hope he's Enjoying them I hope he loves them I Can't imagine you like I know I'm Enjoying him yeah I like him I'm loving Him I like him a lot um so yeah just I Mean we thank Derek so much you know how Much you mean to us I try to I try to at Least like let you know I hope it comes Across how much this means to us so Thank you so much if anybody else wants To support us on patreon patreon.com Forward slash Um yeah it just like really helps a lot So yeah all right let's go to [Music] [Music] Oh perfect thank you so much have a good

One Fishing fast kind great yeah two cheesy Beefs in that white bag Jay's Beef Harwood Heights acquired jump cut Big heavy bag of sandwiches soon gonna Be in your stomach all right people on The dashboard second angle All right let's see this thing is a Beefy boy enhance things heavy let's Open it up open it up oh yeah nice and Wet there we go calm down there we go oh My gosh okay so this is what your Standard Time beef looks like it's uh Maybe dip no I don't think they did dip It hot peppers I'm talking Jalapenos in A lot of them and then a ton of meat Cheese on the bottom oh okay you can get Provolone you can get cheddar you can Get American uh we went with Provo on Both of us and they just throw it right On the bottom there yeah I mean it's a Juicy boy but that's how that's how Italian beefs are yeah they are Juicy Boys yeah I brought a bunch up here so We'll need them yeah love the deli paper Yeah yeah that's some I guess it's Almost like wax paper yeah it's a must Do with Italian beefs yeah the last Cheesy beef we did was that Bona beef in Streeterville and they put like Bona That they put like nacho cheese on it This is I'm interested in that yeah and How does someone eat this and then go Back to work that would be in a coma you

Gotta be a true Chicago it's like I dip My hand in a bucket of oil all right Here we go Jay's Beef Harwood Heights Big old cheesy beef cheers That's tender meat my friend the Bonnet Salt like is filled with juice but it's Right now it's not breaking a good Flavored beef to them yeah that's really Nice yeah just to be clear for anybody Not from Chicago these buns are supposed To be soggy or would these be considered Buns oh rolls yeah this is not a problem No It's one of the few sandwiches that Tastes better with some SOG right so we Got Jarred and cheese added for two Extra dollars each so these went from 9 To 11. okay in price but look at just The amount of beef on this bite some Beefiest Italian beef I think I've Gotten I'm a fan I will say save your Dollar on the Cheese same makes no impact didn't need It there's so much meat the cheese is a Non non-factor the reason the Buona Beef Cheese worked is it's mixed throughout The meat yeah nacho cheese will do that Right Wow this is so beefy very unique jar Never killed it is it's like not the Traditional you always see no carrots no Carrots which I'm totally fine with what Is this is celery It's Like A Whiter Looking salad yeah there's an old crunch

I get it yup yup I always think like Probably like 80 of the Italian beefs I Have I'm so underwhelmed it's really Nice to have one that is truly so good Johnny's Mr Beef I really do I really do Like Buona Beef and this is probably Maybe in my third or fourth slot yeah I Think it's my number three I do still Think that Johnny's is the best and I Think Mr Beast is second but yeah this Is damn good I've had so many Bland ones Right AKA owls and this is just not Bland meat no I actually got some flavor To it There's so much of it though I can't Take any more just like bites I have to Like Yeah Eat some of meat or there's too much I've already used four napkins I mean it says something about the meat When I can just eat just some meat true The Italian beets aren't known for their Quality Meat you know no because like The tradition of them is that it was for Poor workers that were like they would Season really bad cuts of meat and Cheaper so yeah and now we all love them And we'll pay 12 for it yeah the bread Is just really holding up nice job Hmm I'm really impressed dude Cactus Dan Gave us two great suggestions the dude's Two for two well done Cactus Dan and James has been on like both of our Lives

You said it was on your list it was on My list so many times he confirmed it And then we were gonna be out this way So I was like this is the time to do it Yeah I might as well I'm gonna have one More bite before I put this away it Almost has more of like a pot roast vibe To me like it's so gravy and and tender And juicy that like it feels like Homemade pot roast I do kind of like That it's like different than all the Other Italian beefs it's not man yeah it Doesn't really it's kind of in its own Little Arena look at that drip edge Unreal I think I've become a dip guy now Oh okay I think it took me a long time Oh yeah to realize that like join the Culture this is part of the game like You just don't think it's weird I moved Here and was like why would I dip a Sandwich I don't like foggy sandwiches Right and I'm like coming around to the Fact that Italian beefs like the Sogginess of the sandwich is it doesn't Make it bad like it does with every Other sandwich I've had it's like yeah It really is the like the difference of That sandwich versus all the other ones Like it makes this it tastes better yeah It shows up the bread you just can't let It sit in the package you gotta get After it yeah get after it eat it there But I yeah I think I'm about to be a dip Boy from here on out I can totally

Understand that and who doesn't want More gravy flavor-wise right all right Before we rate these out of five let's Roll into this let's break it down Cory You're up first I'm pretty impressed It's not my favorite one I've had but it Definitely is a big step up from all the Chicago generic Italian beefs that I Have to tell people all the time not Worth it don't go don't go don't go this Is one of the ones that's worth going to Absolutely if you happen to find Yourself out in this area that's a Fantastic Italian beef I know I like That it's Unique I like the that the Jardinera is its kind of own little Thing the beef's kind of its own little Thing it's the most packed one that I Found yes which is huge and then really Makes that price point super appropriate I would say I agree not the cheapest one You can find but you're not gonna find One with that much meat so I think it's Appropriately priced I think you will Get more than full off of that I will Say the only thing I will say is don't Do the cheese not worth the money save The buck the cheese doesn't add anything To it in my opinion agreed um but we Just basically helped you have a better Experience it that cheese didn't take Away from the experience it didn't make It bad I know we're just kind of guiding You for your future eating Endeavors

Yeah man I agree with everything you Said I just I think that that jumped to My top three four really quickly one Bite in this shot that I took I was so Hyped I mean this looks gorgeous like I Didn't even add any color to this shot This thing is just a pretty looking Sandwich I definitely think if you're Anywhere near here this is definitely Worth stopping and snagging one of those If you're in the mood for a beef yeah I'd say so all right we got these white Boards here to rate this thing out of Five based on other Italian beefs we've Had in our lives Alex Trebek Cue the Montage whoa what the music it's Just a montage of Alex you're back all Right here we go and being I've seen a Montage of him being condescending That's really fun oh it's like Dad loves It he's so great [Music] I feel very confident in the score and I Feel like I knew right away what to get To this which is not always the case a Lot of times there's a lot of money Doing this we're on really impressed I'd Like to know the price of a Johnny's and Then a Mr Beef yeah oh yeah I kind of Think it'd be similar I think Mr beef's Cheaper but I could be wrong all right On the count of three reveal one two Three [Applause]

Yeah you know absolutely I feel good About that guys don't forget to like This video subscribe to the channel new Videos Monday through Friday if you want To hang out with us all day every day on Discord it's like an AM chat room going All day uh that's linked below the video And then for a comment here today on This video specifically on YouTube and Facebook comment this what would you add To an Italian beef to make it even Better like for example cheese doesn't Normally come on it you can add cheese Maybe a hot sauce maybe banana peppers I Don't know what would you add to a beef To make it better comment that we'll Comment hours he's got one I got some Ideas and uh we'll we'll talk to you Guys I mean more than likely tomorrow we Do this a lot so have a good start to The year we love you and uh Cactus Dan Forever dude bye [Music]