Tag: The Wall Street Journal

And finally… chips and cheese

Italian cheesemakers have developed a microchip as small as a grain of rice to be used in their battle against cheese counterfeiters. The Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium (PRC) said microtransponders installed in over 120,000 parmesan rinds to date are among “new methods” being deployed to help customers ensure they are...

Edible Microchips on Parmigiano-Reggiano Used to Fight Counterfeiters

Makers of Parmigiano-Reggiano in Italy are adding microchips to their cheese wheels. It’s the latest move to combat counterfeiters selling rip offs of the premium product. The chips, which are edible and placed on a food-safe label, cannot be read remotely. LoadingSomething is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access your...