Pizza Lobo Is One Of Chicago’s Top 10 Pizzerias In The Entire City šŸ•

We ordered #PizzaLobo today with pesto, ricotta, vodka sauce and sausage! This is a #PizzaReview and we’re psyched you’re here today. #BestChicagoPizza

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#SeanEly #CoreyWagner #NumberSixWithCheese

Foreign [Music] Welcome back to number six which is Today a Chicago local review Pizza Lobo dude our buddy TJ said this is a Great spot to take a first date I just Want to get that in the intro there's a Place in Logan Square called Pizza Lobo Really cool pizza place really creative Like pizza things that maybe you Don't see at every pizza place supposed To have very good pizzas we snag one off The menu we're gonna pick it up here in A second glad you're here also a very Very special merch shout out today for Mrs Oh my mom she doesn't want freebies she Got she got the Vintage Sunglasses and The hamburger logo shirt yeah I guess Raising you her whole life wasn't pain Enough she also has to buy her merch be A good song Mom thank you so that's so nice if she Does that thanks this is I will say that She wants a zip them she wants a zip up Hoodie yeah get your credit card out There Foreign [Music] [Music] TJ you're not kidding this is it's Gorgeous absolutely a good first name Spot Okay pretty pumped for this one pizza

Lobo this place was gorgeous in this box Right here you'll find a pizza we're Assuming acquired jump cut I don't want To judge a book by its box I don't know what else like it's just a Hamburger one hamburger it's one giant Flat Hammer it's a pancake hamburger you Guys put up two McDoubles in here what a Prank that would be what goes wrong with These people let's take it in for a very Investigative Corey Wagner's second Angle all right let's see what we got Here okay oh my God that's looking good Uh so we've got uh garlic oil shaved Garlic roasted tomatoes ricotta parmesan Vodka sauce basil pesto and then we also Added sausage onto this one normally Doesn't come with that but we're Meat Boy so we decided to meet it up this Looks unbelievable though I like to get My protein in the form of real fatty Pig Dude is this the first place I think It's the first place I've ever seen that Does it cuts sausage the way that they Cut pepperoni yeah so thin and the Little thin medallions yeah like Pepperonis Shut up I just really like the word Medallion It's a great word I have to say real quick say it this has To be maybe top three best presentations Of a pizza on the show I was gonna say It's either the best or the worst like

It looks kind of gross like lime green Yeah I guess the coloring orange but I For some about it I'm like digging it Looks like they just have really old Expired pepperonis on here yeah they're Kind of grayish Brown I almost said that And then I caught myself like I almost Said that we were doing the same thing Like this looks great and then I caught Myself this is one of the more Intriguing doesn't it look kind of yeah Man after you said that now I think that Also looks pretty that's so weird it's a Weird thing I'm excited about the crisp Of this too like it seems like You can hear it hear the crisp when you Can hear the you can hear the crispiness It's going to be a good pizza well at Least the texture might taste like pizza Lobo Cheers Cheers I mean my first bite was ricotta so Creamy all right I really like my first Bite I'll tell you about two three four five And six next Yeah this is great this is really good I Really dig it they did this piece has a Lot of ricotta on it It doesn't look as pretty as some Ricottas but make some pizza yeah but it Tastes great Professor Pizza has the Best ricotta build of all time in my Humble opinion either them or coal fire This is very good the pepperoni sausage

Is pretty good I really sausage it looks Like pepperoni I really dig this And I really like that This is just A good Char to it like not too much no Not too much at all This is I'd say definitely top five Pizzas in the city wow I would say top Ten I wouldn't say top five really Oh you like a lot of the coal fire type Stuff I like a little yeah this is Really good though this is way better Than I thought it was gonna be I Actually thought this was gonna be like A touch above average this is very good Two touches above two to three touches Scooches ahead well I guess it's Official I really wasn't sure about this One to start I think this is my hey You're probably right did I say top five Before it's probably closer to six yeah I was gonna say I could see seven or Eight for me yeah but this was also Without building out the list because I Got Professor Pizza Milly's Pizza in the Pan and veto Nick's top three right now I know my top three they're in that Order okay and then there's the Damon Guy Dante's and then there's Jimmy's and Then there's like you know pequods is in There yeah I don't know this is yeah It's probably somewhere it's close to Five though I'm doing one more slice And can I get some uh sixer sauce I

Think us adding the sausage added a lot Of value to this pizza I think that's a Little more saltiness to it would you Suggest that I would suggest that if You're okay adding three bucks or Whatever it is for the sausage this Pizza by the way it's a big ass pie 32 Bucks that's about the going rate for Chicago I'd say yeah I think that's a Lot of people are gonna hear that and be Like 32 bucks for pizza right I can get Domino's for 14 bucks Dominus or their Local pizza that's great to them and Okay to me I agree But this is um I wouldn't be happy about Paying that not at all but I wouldn't be Like oh I got ripped off No I just like for this type of pizza It's so specialty this is not like a Tuesday night pizza to me but like I'm Gonna snag for you know me and the Fiance this is like uh going out and Spending a little bit more also I don't Know if you've ever seen that patio Gorgeous yeah that's like the selling Point I get that but this place in this Area which I love just so much fun stuff Around here I would 100 come out here With some friends grab some dinner and Go enjoy this this neighborhood of this Area I agree at least I could see once a Year or so me being like all right it's Lobo night let's go yeah you Corey Suggested low but we gotta go

Someone's kind of surfery pizza Lobo but It does it's got like kind of that Little Surfer twang to it a little bit You over here watching your own stories oh you're on your Phone I was finding the local it'd be Funny I was like man I'm a big fan of Myself But anyway you found this list this is Not an order this is just the 12. okay Professor Pizza Coal Fire Bob's Pizza Vito and Nyx P quads Paulie G's Zaza's Nona's Jimmy's Pizza Cafe fat Chris's Millie's Pizza in the pan five squared That was my 12 at the time two months Ago I think I think we were like on the Same page for a lot of that stuff I do Like a lot I do like the Neapolitan Style a lot too yeah oh yeah and you're Going to see a lot of that in Italy when We go I just have a feeling that there's Gonna be better I'm a little worried Like I might say I'm like 20 worried That you're gonna be let down I'd buy Italian pizza a little bit I bet you I Am it's America has like tainted us and Made pizza really well and Italian pizza Can be sometimes too Niche for like the Way they do it yeah and our dumb American palettes like you got to kind Of go into it thinking it's not gonna be The most mind-blowing pizza real quick Being that I am an American and in America it's not my dumb American

Palette my palate is more evolved than Those dumb Italians those big sweaty Gross Italians hey whoa don't say that About that come on these Italians They're Macho and very like uh romantic Yeah right beautiful language there's a Reason they won't even let them into the World Cup this year it's because they Ain't good at nothing that's why yeah They go look we evaluated you as a Culture and said no sucking ass soccer All day and can't make a damn pizza to Save their life this is what happens With all things and culture so it makes It really far away also Americans get Our hands on it and we make it better I Do like the modernization better America Makes great pizza I don't care what you Say not you you the the person yeah like The sky yeah I don't care yeah I don't Know I'm an idiot but anyways that was Just my patriotic rant God Bless America You should have heard me bro you're Singing that during the world were you Going nuts no I wasn't singing that During the World Cup the things that Were flying on my mouth if I were to Laugh stream some of that oh you were Just so like so pro-america and anti- Everybody else saying some rotten things About those Iranians Oh Come Close and they basically started slavery Bro And they need to they need to they need

To you know open up and take credit for It they gotta admit it I gotta go on a Podium and say it they admit it they They're saying they invented slavery They invented slavery Jesus anyways Anyways I'm just an American Patriot Don't mind me Maybe feelings of feelings because we Can't control them Towards that we're gonna rate that pizza Compared to other Chicago pizzas uh Before we do that let's break it down a Little bit talk a little bit more in the Intricacies and make this a True Review uh like almost like we have a Deal and Network or something or You're at first I think this is Bothering them do I need to move this Back see this is a big box we're doing Enough work for them do you don't worry Don't don't mind don't worry about that Here you know what let's punch in okay Okay this pizza 32 bucks I'm not kidding Guys that is an average price for a Pizza that size matter of fact I'd say For a pizza that size with that quality And that type of ingredients and you're Actually going to find it closer to like 35 I think yeah I know that's probably Gonna make a lot of you guys sick to Your stomach but that's Chicago I don't Know I don't know what to tell you guys So it's an average Priceless City the Ingredients were great I don't think

It's the the best ingredient I still Think Coal Fire however much I disdain That style of pizza and I'm not earning Neapolitan I don't like that style but I Their toppings and ingredients are the Best quality that I've seen or craftsman Other than maybe Professor Pizza I think He's probably up there with them so the These ingredients were great but not the Greatest greatest this pizza was Priced Right but not the rightest and this was Delicious but not the most delicious Yeah dude how am I gonna top that I Ain't gonna top that I don't know but You know so also that's kind of my Opinion on it this was definitely better Than I thought it was going to be I've Heard people say it's good but I've Never heard people say it's like the Best pizza in the City by any means There's definitely they're in the Conversation of being like one of the Best sit down drink spots like it's Really it feels a good Niche to me I've Heard people say that I thought that People were saying it had the best pizza But they've been saying it has like Great environment definitely okay Definitely because I don't read the or whatever that I see no this Is just like I'm a skimmer I skim and I Move on you're how most of America takes In the news yeah yes and then they go Spouting off yeah no okay here we go

Let's go ahead and write this now Alex Trebek um used to work for Jeopardy yeah He had a song that he sang Dude that show would have been so much Better all right here we go Um okay this is really good this is a Tough one to rate but is it what is it I Don't know I'm going with what I think I Think this is about right Okay let's get a score that I didn't Think I'd get it I'll tell you that much I'm gonna go down those 100th oh just to Be a little British it'll be kind of fat And Sassy this could be too low could be Too high yeah kind of like you all right Ready one two three oh my God We're in a wavelength today wow that is Crazy yeah I felt like 4.6 like wasn't Enough yeah I don't know I judged it up A little with a one I mean it's it's Yeah it's great that was fun dude I'm Glad we did that place me too they're Open noon to late a lot of days of the Week so uh pretty good accessibility Ability if you guys want to snag that That's huge a lot of places aren't open Until five and stuff I know a lot of top Pizzerias are like that even Coal Fire Has some weird hours sometimes all right Guys don't forget to like the video Subscribe to the channel we're Sean and Corey we do this five videos a week and When the phone flips starts that's when You know the question is coming your way

What is an ingredient that is kind of an Odd thing to go on a pizza that oddly Works like pesto for example that was Great comment what you think is Something that you like on a pizza it's Kind of weird or not traditional or Whatever people are creative I'm excited Here oh I know mine nacho cheese I've Been pitching it for a minute we'll save It for that yeah I don't I'm gonna have To think on that oh really I thought you Know what I was talking about right away We'll see you guys soon I know they're all thinking it now We'll see you guys tomorrow for Brandon Video thanks for being here we love you And uh enjoy the rest of the day Honestly Life's good sometimes so enjoy Those moments Pizza forever pizza's up Pizza's down bye [Music]