Opinion | Readers critique The Post: What a ‘cheese dream’ sandwich consists of

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Every week, The Post runs a collection of letters of readers’ grievances — pointing out grammatical mistakes, missing coverage and inconsistencies. These letters tell us what we did wrong and, occasionally, offer praise. Here, we present this week’s Free for All letters.

As a lifelong newspaper devotee, I devour The Post every morning. As a Republican, I read articles about Democrats to discover what erroneous thinking they are trying to convince us is logical.

As a man in my 80th year, I even read KidsPost to try to understand the youngest generation. I worry when I find misinformation on the page devoted to children. To wit: At the very top of the Jan. 3 page, Chip reports that the cheese dream was the predecessor to the grilled cheese sandwich, and it used only one slice of bread. Everyone from my generation knows that a cheese dream consisted of a slice of bread, a slice of cheese, and two strips of bacon, all baked in the oven.

Please advise Chip to more carefully research his material so he doesn’t mislead the most vulnerable readers on matters of historical import.

, Winchester, Va.

Readers deserve more respect

I am dismayed at the elimination of , with its color photos and art, interviews, long-form reporting, Date Lab and puzzles. The crossword puzzle, now in the Arts & Style section, was printed in tiny, tiny print. I should not be expected to enlarge it on my printer, even if I knew how.

Please respect readers by giving both The Post and Sunday crosswords at least twice the they were given on Jan. 1. Why not eliminate the horoscopes? Or make the half-page ad for the paper a quarter page? I’m sure editors could find the room.

, , Va.

Readers critique The Post: Please keep Date Lab

Bring the market data back, please

I am very disappointed that the market data is no longer being published. On Jan. 1, I tried to find the market data…


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