Eating Taco Bell’s *RETURNING* Enchirito From The 90’s šŸŒÆšŸ””

We have some @TacoBell #Enchirito reviews happening today! #TacoBell brought this thing back again for its lovers. So we had to review it for the show. #TacoBellFoodReview

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[Music] You guys hello happy Monday we're so Glad you're here today we're going to Tackle that kind of A staple years and years ago then they Took it off the menu then they brought It back and then now it's back again so You know the whole fast thing oh Also I think it's only Um app order only on the app I think I Read that okay we can double check but I'm pretty sure I read that which Reminder to us no that's great I got the Taco Bell how about do that and then Also here today a patreon shout out to The legend Angela Basinger 25 tier on Patreon Angela we love you thank you so Much patreon is the best way to support Number six with Jesus we can count on That money coming in and it's almost Like we can play with that money in the Ways to help the show so if you want to Help out forward slash let's put an Enchirito in These two face holes [Music] Doing well how are you I'm fine you're ready all right we got The an order through the app for Sean do We just pull through Okay you put you gotta order for Sean Yep okay yeah Sean you can just pull it Through all right thank you much

Burritos So they're usually called enchiladas There's two different things they must Be one's a burrito uh I have it's like Enchilada burrito I think enchiladas are Like technically what it is they just Call it the Enchirito at Taco Bell ah Because they just use their standard Burritos and put the sauce on yeah yeah So it's like a larger enchilada Because enchiladas are traditionally More thinner kind of almost like a Tamale size when you get them at like a Mexican Earth thank you have a good one All right a pair of them two enchiritos From Taco Bell these were 3.99 each Acquired jump cut all right the Re-returning Enchirito Cory Wagner Second angle all right here's what we Got seasoned beef refried beans and Onions wrapped in a warm flour tortilla And covered with cheddar cheese and red Sauce red sauce huh all right what a Name it just looks like meat grease it Does man it really like the seasoned Beef if you didn't drain it which I'm Here for dude meat grease was my Nickname in high school dude that checks Out yeah these are I mean they're not Great to look at by any means this is a Very like poor uh visual thing but does It taste good but did you click on the Thumbnail then we got you gotcha Here it is on the big camera because we

Got it looks a little bit better I guess Than the phone footage but there you go She's a sloppy one okay dig into that Sounds dig into this Enchirito okay I Mean it's got all the ingredients or Things I like yeah feeling good about it Absolutely it is just messy I know a little hard disconnected yeah No yeah We got a fork break These are some aggressive flour Tortillas we got a pack of them wow Take this in one hand thank you I left This in my other See Professional right there it's a real car Office situation we got going on here if You go to Taco Bell and you're weak like Me get a knife all right the Enchirito Cheers Hmm I mean the flavor is great of course It's great a bunch of cheese like they Really loaded the cheese on here and They're just meat in this grease sauce And this really does just taste like Leftover like seasoned hamburger grease Yeah the smothered burrito situation Which is basically what this is only Really at like Mom and Pop Mexican Restaurants do I really ever have this Experience you know if there's places in My hometown where when you order a Burrito they're on a plate and you have To eat them with a fork yeah there's no

Picking up situation uh the the what's That place called that I love it's on Clark Street one of our first Churrascos Tarasco's old school episode we did Their Super Burrito or trotska's burrito Yeah is uh the same same situation and Then americanize like Mexican a lot Of eating with your hands a lot of Eating with your hands very beanie this Uh this thing Grilled beanie yeah it is how do you Feel about the four dollar price tag I Don't know it seems a little small but Before I bought this is like a four Biter with my big bites I was like What's tough about this thing you gotta Cut it with the fork it's difficult to Cut with the fork yeah it's so messy That I'm afraid as I'm going and like Doing the fork digs yet I'm gonna spill A little bit of the sauce a little bit Of the Grease the red sauce the red Sauce dude ma'am I'll show you what Though tough to cut through the meat the Beans and the sauce together is just a Real nice salty bite not even a bite a Mush a mush no you don't have to use any Biting if you're somebody who literally Doesn't have teeth you could eat this This could be like Kanye after getting Shot in the face just mouth-wired shut Type of absolutely you could Totally take those down you can damn Near almost eat this through a straw

Yeah if you try it really hard one of Those really big big gulp straws that They sold when we were kids I heard Sean In college could suck just about Anything for a straw oh you heard right My friend once Facebook came out that Was all over the book The Facebook if Someone pokes me is that that a sex Thing their issues and challenges for All of us as Americans oh dude we got to Get into the hot sauce oh yeah I know This is already good what yeah here use This see how much is left I'm gonna Crack this because I do want a little Heat we got hotter we got regular sixer Sauce which I think is way better than Taco I need this yeah finished off way Better than Taco Bell sauce this needs To get finished off and that's just my Hand down I think is is clearly bad Activity that we want to get down and We're generally proud of of how well we We do with that you know what show You're watching 350 calories is bad boy You gotta check this Hole in it so yeah it's got a hammer He's hitting a light pole with a hammer We have a different work day yeah we do I'm just gonna try to scoop all this up Into one big massive bite that's what You should say with your food I'm doing A lot of hotter exercise I want to get Punched I want to feel like that light post the

Sixer sauce Hammer Time not the done so You gotta check this this was way like Last bites than I expected I know I Cranked through this deal I think it's too small all right dude There's some salad left over slop I like Leftover slap in my food sometimes but Absolutely that's normally like when I Would get like girls in college I was Just their leftover slop it is good it's Just I want that to be double the size I'm done yeah I'll slammed through that You know what's a nice touch of the Onions it's just a quick one yeah that One's all about the speed dude really Looking forward to the volcano menu Coming back at Taco Bell so we knocked This out we got that on the radar for June I've got a lent calendar for it but Every day I open as we get closer it's a New pack at a fire sauce Gobel is bringing back the 90s with its Volcano menu you guys were gonna do some Donation shout outs people that PayPal Or venmode on the show we got David Domancic five dollars Melissa hens five Dollars Jimmy huge 22 bucks Robert Johnson 25 Jeff Schwartz 25 David Boyles 20 bucks and Joe sopko 20 bucks thank You guys so so much you can see Do so below we're just at number six Which he's on venmo and there's a PayPal You can literally click on if you want a Shout out in an episode that like

Patreon goes a long long way so thank You I like the name Joe sapco me too Barry uh rolls off the tongue well sure Does Joe sapco okay before we go ahead And that baby out of five the 399 Enchirito what do you think of it I Think the flavor was pretty good Did it it was it's tough to eat it was Tough to cut it was a thing that you Could easily make a mess with a little Riskier than I'd like I think the price Was just a touch high and yeah I mean The flavor was okay it was good but it Wasn't like I think I think I honestly I Don't think it was my favorite flavor or Anything by any chance no Taco Bell I Don't think I'm gonna miss that when It's gone whatsoever no Um all these people clamoring for that To come back I'm so surprised wow that Blows my mind I know so I just don't Think that's really necessary to get in A Taco Bell order for four bucks like I Think there's like to kind of round out An order I don't know yeah it's tough to Eat too it's just I don't know I Probably never get that again on my own Dime yeah yeah all right Alex you're Back bump your song out of five what do You give it [Music] Nothing wrong with it like taste wise They said one second before I yelled All right are you ready yeah cut that

Music off all right on the count of Three reveal score out of five one two Three [Applause] This is a scooch under uh get it yeah Just one more hundredth and I would have Said sure give it a whirl I say you Actually you can kind of skip that these Days these days Things like today or whatever you guys Don't forget to like this video Subscribe to the channel we're here five Days a week on this show we go live a Bunch so to interact with you guys here Today comment below what is a Item from any restaurant that you miss You want them to bring back that you Really wish would be back so you could Enjoy it much like the people that love The Ed Cerrito got to experience that Comment that below we'll comment ours And we'll see you very soon tomorrow in Fact for another video thank you for Being here peace bye Thank you [Music] Foreign