Eating Scialatielli Pasta & Cheesy Bacon Pizza on the Amalfi Coast in Italy πŸπŸ•

We’re on the #AmalfiCoast eating some of the best on the trip so far. We’re in Amalfi itself with #Scialatielli and some epic Italian pizza that we’ll never forget. Shoutout to #DaMariaAmalfi for the unbelievable experience.

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[Music] Beautiful Airbnb in Naples our kitchen We'll see you soon maybe maybe we'll see You someday this was beautiful here's Where we did all the lives right here Say bye bye goodbye bathroom goodbye Today you were fun goodbye nice toilet Goodbye bye bye bye goodbye bedroom I Slept there by desk we did some lives There also Cory slept up there like the Girl from The Ring or something cool bye Ciao okay you guys we gotta leave this Airbnb now and go to Amalfi um this is a Nice little balcony area goodbye balcony Say bye guys ciao ciao [Music] So heavy so happy so heavy so heavy so Heavy so heavy [Applause] [Music] Just got out of that Taxi How you feeling we gonna get on this Boat or what I want one of those bubble guns Yeah was that I'm asking for the cars Okay cool For contacts we're taking a boat to a Multi and you're originally going to Take a train to a bus and then we find Out we can take a bow and then the Website said we could take it and then We asked somebody here and they said you Can't go on Tuesday but then we bought a Ticket so it feels like we're doing well

Ciao Um can I do two I'll do a uh double Espresso Grazia Double Espresso start the day for all The views and all the Ciao We're doing it yeah [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Good Friends [Music] Okay [Music] Hi Dad you like the booty scratches all Right hey buddy Oh you're so cute Okay They must have watched one of your Vlogs On our way over here we looked up a Couple really popular places that have High ratings we're gonna try this place Right here Maria Which of course means Die Maria I hope not Here look how beautiful this menu is Also it's very good card stock yeah it Is Oh my God so pumped so first impressions

Of a multi uh beautiful beautiful Beautiful beautiful beautiful the views When you're even bringing coming on the Boat it's probably the move and the Views when you're coming in on the boat Are amazing these Streets are so small and honestly they Feel a little scarier than even Napoli The cars seem like cooler with getting Tight on yet raised a bunch of money From them to for us to come here so We're making all these videos for them You know so this is all the stuff we're Making for them is all kind of cool Yeah yeah yeah It's gonna be we got our mind we got our Model what do we got here there we go What kind of pizza is that this is a Margarita and then the colors of the Italian flag yes which is green which is The basil or the basil white which is The mozzarella and the red is the Tomato Yes for Italy incredible I gotta be Careful he's gonna ditch me and he's got A new yeah do you want to be my co-host I don't need him anymore You're a natural Iceland with the Vikings that they think Give me two minutes thank you okay I had To get this because this flat noodle This fat flat thick noodle that's my old Nickname Um is really popular here in Amalfi so I Had to get it and it has clams and

Mussels it looks so good it smells Incredible in America I don't eat a lot Of pastas that have the shells because I Don't want to I don't want to catch an Injury when I'm eating but I have to do It here so here we go Oh my God The noodles First of all those clams are incredible The noodles are firm but then they like Melt in your mouth there's like a real Butteriness to it You're gonna have to try this Corey all Right it's it's just beautiful looking Yeah Wow One more bite and then we gotta see what Cory's got The best pastas I've ever had wow this Really oh my God Oh my God this is a pizza it's got basil It's got mozzarella it's got potatoes And bacon on here well you got a little Italian bacon it takes a minute with all The yeah [Music] This might be one of the best ones I've Had yeah really oh that's because it's So different than the ones we've had Like everything else been red sauce Jesus so rich oh hell yeah I'm gonna Like this in the beach we've had it I'm Not good oh man this is really really Good wow this restaurant it's a must do

Di Maria Um shave cheese on there right so like Nice looking I haven't gotten the Potatoes yet you know I'm a little Potato boy so we'll see you all right Now yeah have a great day next time yeah Thank you so much thank you for the Recommendations yeah yeah okay we're Gonna come visit you guys in Ireland Yeah okay good good Sitting on a patio like this in a mall Fee because of the crew it's truly mind-blowing you Really yeah So as you can probably imagine Clams and mussels in a multi and in the is huge They catch so much fish it's never Frozen and then they cook it and you're Eating it from right out of the sea Oh my God you gotta try a noodle but you Gotta try this get that Noodle and get In there It's so rich and delicious right so much It was great meeting you 'll see you guys again ciao also Compared to the place we were at in Naples for this the mussels and clams Like it comes right out of the shell When you touch it the other one's a Little stuck a little bit more so that's Like kind of like when you get really Good oysters you don't want to get any Grit in there and it's got to come right

Out All right Cory cut me a little slice It's got everything on it cheers Oh my God so bring me the cheese and Then I love that potato on it how do you Feel about the fork in a knife thing in Italy uh it's a little annoying but you Know if it's if I'm getting the one of The best slices of pizza I've ever had In my life I'll do it It's so rich I like it rich you know Although you're poor you like it right Yeah It's this cheese Yeah I think this is all about the Cheese is amazing it's incredible it's Like still lingering in my mouth from When I had that little piece you gave me I'm like a little jealous I didn't get That pizza when they loaded up with Potatoes and they loaded up with cheese There's gonna be a point where I get Full And then I'm just gonna push past that And then there's gonna be a point where I'm too full and I'm gonna keep going You're not quitter Bro Seeing how happy you are is like Truly fantastic they also brought out I got a peyronie but they brought out Two wine glasses and Sean's such an Alcoholic you got so much wine they Assume there's no way he's drinking this

On his own they don't know me dude I Don't know what they're in for I almost made another food choice and I'm so glad I didn't just this bite I Put clams and mussels on the end of the Fork and then a couple noodles and it's Just dripping an oily buttery flavor It's gonna be real hard to eat Italian Food again in America I hit that first Chunk of being full this is where I Start my plush this is kind of right on Well this is this is right on the main Strip it's not too far from from the Water Easy to get to them [Music] Cory gave us more pizza So good got like the tomato and the clam And the noodles I would come here if I were you we told Our server that um we're from Chicago His wife is from St Charles Illinois and It sounds like either they also have Family or maybe go visit Aurora funny Enough well I'd say this is probably a Success Corey housed mine housed okay Friends here we go All right St Charles Got it This is gonna be his first limoncello Yeah he's never had it yeah yeah You're a part of this journey One is homemade nothing commercial Homemade oh that's awesome all right

Little limoncello first ever for me Cheers and it's homemade they said Salute that absolutely still put it down I love it Oh that's so good that's obviously Something I'm gonna love Yeah sugary Boozy lemon yeah just the right mix of Both too great for after a meal because It really does kind of like cleanse the Palate have a little bit of this have a Little bit of espresso to yeah our Hearts are gonna stop eating yeah I Can't wait for it Oh my God it's so good I would drink This when I lived in Florence and it Would like after every meal and this is Like fantastic Di Maria you guys got to Come here I love Italy you could be a model dude This is just a beautiful shot right here Look at this look at this guy look at This gorgeous woman You guys getting sick of espresso b-roll Yet So we just got a little bit of a freebie Because we're uh Charming folks and we Really enjoyed the presence of our Waiter Chad with them a little bit and This is uh homemade also and it's a Mandarin based one like the little the Oranges Mandarin oranges so we haven't Tried it but it's electric yellow I Would have thought it was like maybe Orange you know yeah yeah but then again

Yeah yeah orange juice isn't really Orange though is it it's kind of like This right mimosas look like this are They straight orange orange juice is Orange what are you talking about like Orange juice is so orange maybe it's Just because they only have them with Mimosas and they're yeah you don't use Very much orange juice because you're an Alcoholic Orange juice Champagne with a dab of oranges it looks Just that's a personal paper yeah You're right you're right you're right Cheers psychopath orange juice is an Orange nuts Oh it's very good you can definitely it Tastes like Mandarin it tastes like a Small orange that flavor's there I thought you're about to slam it Wow whoa It's So Different right you Like it I do it does have that nice Little orange Like a seagull where'd it go Dude Sean he was sea going dude that's So so getting so different be nice to People and make conversation and Normally you'll get free alcohol that's Right and make friends thank you so much That was incredible what's your name Gregorio I'm Shawn Nice to meet you come see him at Di Maria no Um you got to come see him uh this is

Fantastic right when you get off your Ship it's like a five minute walk come To damaria eat and drink like a king and A queen give you a freaking welcome yes Oh we sure will we sure will oh my God Thank you yeah I did I love Italy got The card this is a gorgeous business Card let's break it down as we walk and Then we'll end this video so you guys Can get back to your lives and jealous Of us also my forehead is not looking Good from this angle you guys the food Was incredible and has been the case With every Italy day so far the people That we're meeting our server was Amazing the food was amazing the drinks Were amazing this has just been a great Experience so we've been doing this Thing on the show for the last couple Weeks uh is that a must stop is it Pretty good is it average do you skip it Down Maria what do you think bro that is A must stop if you make it to a multi That's maybe one of the that might be my Favorite pizza I've had on this trip It's very very very very rich so if you Don't want a rich food then get the Margarita pizza but if you're looking For a little bit of flavor which our Waiter told us that was also his uh Favorite as well his favorite pizza There incredible in my book I asked him I was like how did we do we're two like Very American dudes trying to order out

This menu and he seemed pretty impressed He was like you guys did good you got The thing that's known to be in Amalfi And then you also got my favorite pizzas Yes how about Corey so I feel really Good about that yeah yeah yeah I'll say This we've been having when it's really Good we're having experiences over just The food being good and I think that's What we've realized is it's kind of like When something's good it's the top to Bottom is good yeah the whole thing I Think domery is a must stop and I cannot Wait to keep in touch with him yep and Uh you guys honestly like thank you so Much for sending this to Italy because Amalfi has been in the two hours we've Been here fantastic incredible yeah and You know what if you're looking at Sean's lips and saying maybe he's just Saying all this stuff because he's got Purple lip means he's a little Yeah you might be right you might be Wrong but look either way that was Incredible Sean's got a little purple lip we love You guys uh we're gonna go explore this Amazing City and check back in very very Soon so new video coming up soon [Music] [Music] Thank you This is where the people of Amalfi would Pray to Corey if he moved here because

He said disrespectful this is about as Good as it gets I'd say yeah I don't how Do you get better than this like I'm Skating right right Tony Hawk style okay Keep going wow kick in kick push okay Okay all right How many points is that Antonio Pro Skater though oh that's like a 50 Million oh okay I know you got it you Got you got it okay so then you're down There dude I just turn the pigeon that's The end of the movie yeah bro that's Called the Duster