Eating Big Macs But They’re “Wood Grilled” In A Bar πŸ”

This is #MacsWoodGrilled in #WestTownChicago and we’re eating #CopycatBigMac burgers. We’re glad you found our YouTube channel and enjoy like we do. We like to keep it fresh though.

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Laughs [Music] What's up guys today we are going to Max Wood grilled which we've heard has some Of the best pub burgers in the city We're going to try a couple of Big Mac Rip-offs and see how they taste and it's That time of the year again where we Update the patreon tiers here at we got a fresh one for You so for the 10 tier you're still Gonna get early videos we added them Beforehand we put them on patreon you Get them and you get your name in the Description of all the videos for 15 You're gonna get a 15 off code to all of Our merch to use as much as you want and For 25 bucks the Big Daddy tier you're Gonna get access to all of our old Shirts like that one and this one and Whatever else we put on there which is All of them so you'll get access to that You can buy them as many as you want for The amount of time that you are a 25 Patreon remember so that's a bunch of Words at you let's go get throw burgers At you [Music] [Music] [Music] Awesome thank you Two burgers two Big Mac knockoffs from Max wood grilled acquired jump cut thank You it's a heavy ass bag I assume this

Assume there's a lot of fries in here Yeah I'd imagine I definitely know it Came with some Big Boy diesel Pete's So good good looking fries too well First one was all right They look like my type soggy but yeah They're like McDonald's yeah that's my Favorite all right Sixers on the Dashboard take it away for the Corey Wagner's second angle all right let's Take a look here wow that thing's that Thing's a beast dude Um okay so what do we got Um trying to take it apart a little bit For you guys this is two wood grilled USDA prime certified Angus beef burgers Eight ounces each house made Secret Sauce shredded lettuce it just says American I'm assuming American cheese Garlic dill pickles diced white onions Double decker Brio spun served with Fries it's a monster burger things big Dude Yeah I mean this is a fat ass burger Yeah it is it looks almost looks like a Burger on top another Burger more than The Big Mac does to me big time and then Real quick on the big camera because we Got it There it is for you guys this platter of which is basically a Big Mac and Fries 18 US Dollars it's expensive but We got a lot of big old Burger she

Hand me that bag I was like this a body She was like what all right here we go The daddy Max Burger 36 bucks for all This food cheers Fatburger That's a pretty good flavor Very good flavor this to me is like Exactly the type of burgers that were Popular when we were growing up yeah it Does have that wood kind of chart it has Like almost like a little bit of that You know you can like taste it in the Meat yeah look at this part's burnt What kind of 180 from like they burnt Mine for sure I hate burp oh yeah that's Not anything that's not weird It's like big for the sake of being big It's like not even manageable yeah it's Too big tomorrow they burnt your burger And I can tell you another drawback like It tells you from looking at it yeah I Was hoping to it did have a huge impact But it's something I noticed you can't Tell me these are a hand foreign bun no They got to be frozen patties Frozen Patties like bro it seems like it Whoever's telling us oh this is a great Burger and you're using Frozen freaking Patties I mean granted you can take a Good sauce and like make that's all it Is this is just got a really good sauce And then they melt the cheese on it yes The sauce is really good but like you're Not going to be top of the city no this

Is just such a sports bar burger to me Like in a suburb like this to me doesn't Scream Chicago's culture we've been Talking about this a lot Chicago is an Underrated Burger City absolutely you Guys obviously know some of the spots That always get talked about but I think Top to bottom this bird this city is a Burger City and this to me is like if Applebee's actually did a burger Correctly yeah this would be the king of Burgers in a local hometown absolutely Like this would be called like the Monstrosity of Redford yeah and everyone Would talk about it and all the you know Everyone would get drunk and eat it but It's average winning Burger City I know It's not bad it's just no it's not bad Frozen patties it's big just for the Sake of being big not tonight sweetheart Give me that hand saw so many reviews Online saying this is the best one of The best burgers in the city and it's Two guys that have eaten a lot of them a Lot of these Burger lists coming out now There's only maybe one or two we haven't Done yeah fries are soggy too These fries yeah I generally like these Style fries but they're not flavored Either ticking Time Bomb too you gotta Eat these like as soon as they're out of The fryer yeah they do get soggy quick For some reason with these shoestring or McDonald's style I don't necessarily

Mine the sog as much as long as they're Not a little bit of salt on them these Are better than McDonald's fries when They get cold like to me oh yeah they're Still there's still a little bit of Value today yeah McDonald's goes Downhill so fast so fast yeah this is Just like this is I It's just such a place it's great for The fact that it's like a sports bar in West Town get beers watch games there I Get that but this is exactly the type of Burger I think they would bring out to Me yeah in 18 bucks that's reminded me Of Blue Door kitchen that also use Frozen patties pass it off as fresh and It was eighteen dollars I can tell Almost by looking at the buns at it's Like the Kroger 10 for 10. those like Just ice pack buns we're not buns the The burger meat it's like that crappy Little or at least it looks like it Doesn't look like someone made these Patties like even you can tell by those Lines and stuff yeah these guys gotta be Making a killing on this it has to 18 For two frozen patties yeah and buns are So cheap buns are cheap lettuce is cheap You can make a house sauce and do in a Big batch dude I from a business Perspective okay yeah good onion I will say I do like the sauce but the Sauce is really good other than that That's a big ass burger they will fill

You up yeah but I think you can find a Better use to your 18 if you're asking Me absolutely I think my last bite had Burnt me did it yeah yours looks a Little better shape than mine it did Mine did the last part of it wasn't so Much wood grilled as it was wood Burn Yeah like look at this like look how Burnt that is you see that that's so Burnt burnt and I asked it for uh medium So this is how else you know this is Frozen I know oh yeah how it comes apart It's like in it's almost like a tofu Patty it like doesn't snap like a fresh Beef it's like clumped because they only Grill like why is your the side that one Part's been on the ground like that Looks nasty they never flipped it this Is like yeah that is so Frozen they like Flipped it for a second like nah that's That face is the middle they're never Gonna see it I bet they're not two guys Two Schmucks out there in their car with A camera yeah what are they gonna pick It apart and look at the middle of it Meet your worst nightmare yeah we never Go into a place hoping for that like I Was so excited to find a burger that Like I hadn't really heard of that I Know right and I was like I heard Max Wood Grill I was like you're fired I was Like oh maybe it's like way down Division and I was like oh it's in West Town yeah and I've driven by this place

A million times seen the Three Floyds Neon for the beers like right next to The boil Seafood which I've also never Been into but yeah that place just kind Of escapes my eye yeah dude there's Other better food spots in this area Don't get don't get that burger all Right let's turn the frowns upside down And give some shout outs to the people That super thanks on this show we do This Monday to Friday we've been doing It for six years so many of you rock With us and financially support the show And for that buying the 18 Burgers click The dollar sign them out on the YouTube You'll be able to Super thanks like These people like Jim McFarland Jim McFarland Sam Bliss oh you see what's Next to Sam bliss's name oh he's a Member yeah that's got the little star Join the 10 monthly oh dude Sam thank And your super thanks thing that's Amazing Derek Boudreau Jim McFarland Derek Woodrow David F C scorpion heat Seeker Jim McFarland Derek Boudreau Derek Boudreau Sam West coming with a 20 Banger on There dude oh I'll take that I'll take It all day I'll get you one frozen Double burger Yeah it's it's a fortunate to say yeah Do you want to do a look-see or is here Yeah let me let me just go ahead and Guy steals the pen what an ass

Oh we forgot to put six or sauce on it I Don't want to put that on a frozen Burger yeah I'm not gonna disrespect Oh piece of candy with a seat up Um Yeah Really nothing what about oh I see it oh how would it get in there ow Can you get it it's tough to get yeah There you go sit good eye yeah that's Weird I never would have thought that it Would That's the third thing I've seen you see Like with like Regal eyes I've seen you Find money yeah I've seen you find drops This marker all of which you took yeah Yeah and all those you can use for drugs You can buy drugs with money you can Sniff that and then you can also Obviously do the other drugs I thought You were gonna say use this to rate food To make money to buy drugs more of a Huffing situation yeah get high on Markers we do not endorse that YouTube What do you mean if you don't say I Don't I don't I have no I don't have a Straw honestly I don't have a strong Stance for YouTube and this channel this Channel doesn't endorse that that's not Fair because we we both have one device We both have a board seat if you'd like To vote go ahead all right I just want Us to make money I'm just trying to make people laugh I

Don't care about making money no that's Not true I really okay I don't Understand okay before we go ahead and Rate uh that burger out of five here Today let's break it down one last time And then uh we'll reveal our scores Quarter you're up yeah the frozen patty Bummer it was big just to be big I like You the Big Mac but the Big Mac's edible I think it's like really fun if they Make that like a reasonable site with Smash Burgers it's also Frozen but Because the beef patties are like not so Aggressive you don't get so much of that Yeah yeah you don't get so much of it I Do like the sauce I'll give them props On the sauce really if that was a Reasonably priced uh Burger I think I'd Give them a decent score but the 18 For that it's a little rough it's a Little rough I'm not gonna kill them on It but you know it felt like they just Put a frozen Walmart Patty two of them On a Wood-Fired Grill yeah like you Could also do that with Walmart patties But they're still at Walmart and you Know what they got at Walmart now 80 20s And Frozen and you know what they're not They don't cost yeah Um I just was overall bummed like the Sauce was the Saving Grace of that That'll get them a little bit of a bump Because I wanted to dip my fries in that I want to I would say get a sidecar of

That for the fries but overall whenever We have Frozen Burgers on this channel Because Chicago is a food Mecca you Can't do that can't do it India they Burn it and they burned it and it was The part hanging off that I'd eat I'd Like pre-eat it you know yeah the pre Try it I heard a pre-bite which gave me Nothing else to balance out the burn of Straight Burns yeah so but all right Guys well all right here we go Alex Trebek bumped that track and we'll rate It out of five We know he's dead he's in our hearts Forever [Music] Let's see and I'm gonna go okay I feel Pretty I feel pretty good about this I'm Not giving them I'm not torturing about This I don't know what to do because it Still wasn't the worst flavor I've had It just was like no you're right 18 Price hurts it a lot in the Frozen Patties yeah which is two big parts of a Burger All right cut it off cut it off all Right Cory on the count of three Reveal Your score here today all right one two Three We're seeing it in reverse yeah on that Screen so we thought we had the same um Yeah yours is probably closer to correct Than mine I'm surprised you went over Halfway you know I should have done it

With it being 18. yeah but I did on Accident I know of the two of us I'm Definitely the one that's a little more Like hyper aware of price yeah yeah You just waiting for you to be like what Super fun day other than the fact that The burger wasn't super fun but we Appreciate you guys being here we'll see You tomorrow for a brand new episode on This show Subscribe if you can okay Happy Valentine's Day week too yeah Happy Valentine's Day I love you man I love You too buddy all right we'll see you Guys soon we're gonna go [Music] Ing