Could the actual superfood be… a cheese sandwich?

Dr is an at , has a PhD in soil science (nutrient cycling) and is a , DairyNZ and Deer Industry NZ.

OPINION: Those of us of a certain age remember the idea from school and the importance of fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet.

Since then we’ve had 5+ a day and the . But consumption continues to be lower than recommended and results from a survey by Research First released in October gives price as “often the justification”.

The confirmation from Stats NZ that we’ve hit a 32-year record, 11.3% for the year ended December, supports the justification.

In comparison with December 2021, fruit and vegetable prices increased 23%. Other categories also increased, but not by as much as fruit and vegetables.

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is clearly more expensive than it was, but the question of actual expense depends upon what one is trying to calculate. This could be the margin of profit for producers or supermarkets, affordability relative to income, or “value for money”.

If the latter, what is the value that is desired? Taste? Energy? Vitamins? Protein? Caffeine?

Could The Actual Superfood Be... A Cheese Sandwich?

A cup of black coffee proves the point that the value of any foodstuff depends on what you’re looking for from it. A caffeine hit? Definitely. An ? Not so much.

Coffee contains three to four times as much caffeine as Coke, but black coffee (without sugar), like Diet Coke, has no energy, whereas regular Coke does.

Whether at home or in a cafe, a cup of coffee and a glass of Coke are similar in cost. If it’s caffeine that is desired, coffee gives better value.

For most animals the first requirement after sleep is energy, followed by protein. The theories about protein include the requirement to gain…


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