Could Parmesan cheese help boost memory in old age? | Wellness


Alexander Maasch

By Pol Allingham via SWNS

A key to boosting memory in old age could be probiotics found in Parmesan, according to a new study.

When a group of 52 to 75-year-olds with mild cognitive impairment spent three months taking probiotic GG (LGG), their brain test scores improved.

The mental lift was linked with changes in their gut microbiome, according to the at .

Simultaneously, the universities’ research revealed those who were mildly cognitive impaired had a higher number of Prevotella genus microbes, suggesting the gut’s flora and fauna could act as an early indicator of cognitive decline.

The Prevotella abundance decreased when the mildly impaired group were given LGG probiotics – this coincided with better cognitive scores, hinting scientists could make older adults’ brains healthier by manipulating their gut microbiota.

Though LGG is widely available in a supplement, it is also found in Parmesan and yogurt.

Mass market cheese company recently launched Plus Probiotic that purports to contain billions of live LGG cultures.

Mashael Aljumaah, of State University, said: “The implication of this finding is quite exciting, as it means that modifying the gut microbiome through probiotics could potentially be a…


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