A Cheesemonger Reveals: How to Store Cheese the Right Way

This story is part of Home Tips, CNET’s collection of practical advice for getting the most out of your home, inside and out.

If you’re a  enthusiast, you know it’s no fun when a fancy block dries out or turns green before you’ve had a chance to enjoy it all the way down to the rind. But storing your properly can keep those creamy, nutty, salty cheeses good for far longer than you’d think, and what you wrap your in can have a big impact. If you’re wondering properly cut and store cheese so it’ll last longer, there are a few simple rules to keep your cheese in top form for as long as possible. 

For advice on all things cheese storage I turned to an expert, John Montez, a certified cheese professional and the events and education coordinator for New York’s Murray’s Cheese. “Cheese is a preserved product,” says Montez. “It’s got a lot of things helping it be preserved. It’s high in acid and salt and has a lot of the water removed compared to milk. So it’s rare that you would ever have to throw out a piece of cheese.” Cheese, in other words, is built to last; ergo, an investment worth having.

How you cut and store your cheese matters, however, in terms of treating it in such a way as to extend its vibrancy for as long as possible. You don’t need a lot of fancy cheese gadgets to make cheese last for weeks or months, just some basic tools, supplies and know-how. With Montez’s help, here’s what you need to know about cheese in order…


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