We drank Hormel Chili & Cheese Beer with our Hormel Chili & Cheese Totchos πŸΊπŸŒΆοΈπŸ§€

The @HormelFoodsCorp Chili Beer is here. #HormelChiliBeer was a hit while we scarfed down on #LoadedTotchos with #HormelChili … for an episode of #NumberSixWithCheese

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#KFCMukbang #KentuckyFriedChicken #DoubleDownVideo

You guys hello happy Monday epic one for You today very rarely does the Match the beer but first a merch shout Out to Benjamin Cleveland for buying a Hamburger logo t-shirt and the sixer Sauce on .com Benjamin we love you and you guys Time to get Monday drunk [Music] Cheers need and need it I was really nervous about drinking that Okay it tastes like beer it does it's Not melted cheese and chili in a can Yeah yeah uh wow okay uh today Hormel Chilies chili cheese Brew yeah uh we saw This uh manager Welby also saw this on Online and was like dude Monday drunk You guys should try the this pairs well with recliners Gaming and late night snack attacks Lager with spices and certified colors That part scared me that scared me a lot This is made by Modest Brewing Company So it's an actual Brewery that did this Notes of cheesy cheese chili spice and Last Monday night always always always Always always Keep cold 5.5 alcohol by volume I don't Think who gave me this there's no way I'd be like that's probably like a Partner with like a Chili company I Would be like there's some spices at the Tail end of this that are dumb right you Get a little bit of that and I told Cory

Beer but then it's like I'm not a big Fan of like holiday beers like a lot of Times in Thanksgiving and Christmas they Put a lot of stuff in beers those deeper Potpourri flavors that I'm not a fan of It's very subtle though yeah no it's not Too bad it's definitely not like the Holiday ones permission to get a glass And show them the beer do your thing Baby boy Three hours later Looks looks like beer yeah very lager Colored very just beer yellow a little Unfortunate that that's coloring Certified colors yum what's it if they Don't add yellow what's the color of the Clear it's like vodka it's weird it's Very weird I don't like that part but uh Here's what it looks like yellow number Five and yellow number six they have to Yellow this beer up to make it look like I don't like beer I don't like that well I guess it's official Well It's really just such a standard beer Like sure there's spices in it and stuff I don't I mean this is just like an easy Drinking standard beer yeah But how does it pair with what we're Eating here today because we thought you Know what for drinking a kind of makes sense to eat some Chili cheese yeah so what do we got we

Got a Hormel chili cheese green onions All loaded on top of tots it's loaded Tot day and uh if you guys didn't know Hormel chili looks disturbing that's Awful it's not so bad once it's all kind Of on the thing yeah the presentation Now looking fine yeah but man bro Getting that out of the tube not fun Yeah that metal tube it's uh it looks Like Alpo all right but should we dig in But I'm excited for this I love some Crispy tots yeah and the point of this Is to try to get a little bit of it all All right Hormel chili day Cheer I'm gonna cheers my bowl too It's not bad It's not like as good as like a Restaurant would do like a loaded top Because like Hormel chili is just like So average it's so pasty to me yeah That's a good word to describe it Is to it a lot of pastiness like a weird Scent the green onions visually Fantastic and with the odor the odor the Smell the aroma flavor and the flavor it Like really brings it together Hmm All right a couple bites of that Going to my beer group I really don't think I'm a fan of Hormel Chili it does pair well together yeah I Don't Hormel is probably one of the Worst ones to be honest I know a lot of People like chili man okay what else

What other canned chilies do people kind Of kind of with if you're making Chili cheese dogs and you pick a Hormel Like get out of here Not the move what cheese do we use she's Great Tostitos like salsa con queso so Like they're basically there's their Melted queso that's my favorite part of This whole thing it's so good so Hormel On their website actually had a For loaded fries and so we kind of just Modified that and they wanted me to just Use shredded cheese which is fine but I Kind of like a more nacho pump cheese on A thing like this yeah because they're Shredded sometimes like there's not as Much dispersion it doesn't kind of leak Into the other pots Americans just love The more processed the better yeah That's us What is the most popular canned chili Hormel number one I'd imagine big name Skyline oh yeah chili man bushes makes Chili chunky soup Campbell's makes it Wolf brand children I've never had wolf Brand I don't think I've ever had but I've definitely seen it and then just Store brand and then Amy's so all right So a bunch of different ones guys is There one that's actually like not gross Did the day of skyline at your grocery Store I don't think they I think they Really do only sell that in Ohio stuff Really I don't think they sell that by

Me I would imagine not I haven't looked For it but that'd be kind of cool to try That I have a couple of cans in my house Right now really I probably should have Brought that over but then the Hormel Thing would have come Some cheese and chili went into my Slipper that I took off That's a bummer dude you know you got to Do pour a little beer in there and do a Shoe yeah I mean once the cheese really Mixed in and it kind of like took over The chili It's not so bad we're saying this off Camera too A lot of people will use These canned chilies mix them with like Velveeta or another cheese or like make Like a big layered dip or like do Potatoes like a hot dish like it's you It's great when it's used with a bunch Of things the more you isolate it the More you're realizing it's so bad I am It's a what kind of a player would that Be the utility player not good by Himself he really needs others yep like Uh who's your guy from Michigan State Who plays for the Warriors He's Draymond Green on green is basically hormone Chill yeah and he'd probably love that Comparison Yeah I do love this Hormel can though Like the art on it sick I think The Branding is so great concept's kind of Dumb but it's kind of fun at the same

Time dumb and fun like so many things on The internet yeah we had to buy this Online and get it shipped to us modest Brewing by the way Minneapolis Minnesota Yeah you can't buy this in stores and I Think it's gone now I think this was Like I bet that sold out of me one of Those weird online things that we Actually jumped down and got before Other people because we've tried that With other things like that giant Fruit Loop yep things like that we just you Know it sells out instantly oh did you Try with six or sauce no I'm gonna do One but it's kind of why yeah Citrus sauce just makes everything Better also loaded tots or loaded fries Always a good question yes that's a Great question maybe that's our comment Here today we'll get into it and chat More today but maybe as we're doing this Why don't we do like a tots or fries Thing and as you're watching the rest of This video really going to death why How is it with the sauce that's great It's just proving how much better sixer Sauce is than hormel's entire brand oh Man that really improves this a lot oh Yeah way more flavor it neutralizes the Crappiness of Hormel and it's not goopy Because we like extra crunchified these Tater tots in the airfryer yeah it's Really with withholding all the goop on Top of it this wasn't a horrible

Experience no not at all from what it Looks like coming out of the can Not bad at all all right like I said Tots or fries write that below but also Don't forget to subscribe to the channel New videos Monday through Friday uh Let's go ahead and thumbs up or thumbs Down Whether or not we like Hormel chili as a Kind of a big ingredient in a loaded app Like this Dremel please Yeah it just doesn't I I I think he just Splurge a little bit and get the better Chili yeah I just don't think Hormel Works in this scenario I think you need To mix it into a dip or something yes You get too much of it in this yeah I Like that dip move where it's like a lot Of cheese and then it's just in the dip As like a meat-ish yeah sub like man Dude item and that's not too bad what I'm loving about this really is the Crispy top the cheese the sixer sauce And the green onion texture yes yeah but The chili is actually kind of like in The way yeah the green onion and the Sixer sauce make us all right well thank You guys for being here we'll see you Tomorrow for a brand new video on the Channel we'll chat chili and cheese We'll chat tops and fries and we'll see You again tomorrow fun branding though Yeah that was fun sure

I'll have a drink Good on you Hormel keep the fun stuff Coming yeah dude sorry we had to say no To your thing you don't see these other Chili Bozo companies making a beer yeah A bunch of bozos I gotta clean my slipper dude [Music] Can't stop thinking about you every day [Music]