Eating Professor Pizza’s “Grandma-Style” Vodka Pizza Slices | *Delivered by FROZA* πŸ•

Today’s video is #sponsored by #FROZA, delivering Chicago’s best par-baked pizzas in the city. We were already a fan, so it only made sense to partner up. In this episode, we’re feasting on one of our favorite pizzerias on the planet: . This is Tony’s #GrandmaStylePizza with vodka sauce.

πŸ• Get a FREE “Staff Pick” pizza with code “6” on your order of $10 or more…and FREE shipping with code “FREEZA” on your first order. CHICAGO FAMβ€”this deal is for you!! πŸ• (

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You guys welcome back to today we are kicking off an epic Month-long sponsorship with frosa giving Us some of the best par baked pizzas in The game puncture here this is the Packaging that you're gonna see if you Order some of this and uh we'll show you What we got inside Oh wow check that out so it comes in the Big silver Case to keep everything nice and cool During delivery yeah we'll open them up And boom here's our ice packs keeping Everything fresh And then we've got our frozen pizzas Some deep dish oh check this out guys I Think you can add this onto your order Too we've got nice Frozen crushed Reds Some parm and uh oh extra virgin is this Olive oil damn no freaking way those are Gorgeous by the way yeah shakers too I Like love that this is great branding This is awesome [Music] Thank you [Music] Nothing like a delicious beverage to Start your pizza Shenanigans out you Know Pizza Shenanigans I like that I Will say their Pizza is great I love a Really good pizza but pairing that with A cruise Blanca Mexico calling lager Especial right here in Chicago so we got Local we'll get into it and we got local

I like that I like that Oh I didn't even know Cruz Blanca was Local West salute my dude let's go dude Absolutely one of the best patios in the Game to sip a beer when it's sunny too Gotta check it out absolutely I lived There during the pandemic outside what Type of pizza we got going on here so Today this is an epic one to start with So there's a lot of Partnerships kind of Going on in my mind right now so foroza Who's sponsoring this video Aggregates The best kind of like local pizzas fresh Handmade freezes them and then sends Them out to people if they order them This one is one of my Favorites I'm a fan of the show I wanted To say Professor freaking pizza but That's not the name uh this has been This spot has me and Corey's favorite Pizza in the city this is a must get Yeah You gotta get this this is their grandma Style which I've never had yet have you Had grandma style I have had a slice of Grandma style okay so this would be my First time doing this but this is Looking epic and grandma style is not The type toppings by the way Grandma Styled like Detroit style like thin Crust style it's like Does your grandma have to make it or Could it be whoever do they check yeah

Professor pizzas just got his grandma Chained up Free willingly making it to work Come on Grandma it's like Frozen is not A doors whipping your grandmother I can Do it myself oh so Grandma style is a Thinner version than Sicilian style Pizza shallow crust deep fried texture That pairs perfectly with their homemade Sauce that's rustic sweet and garlicky And then voted the best New virtual restaurant by the Chicago Tribune in 2021 gotta love it the Accolade they no longer qualify because They're in the process of getting their Brick and mortar they're not they're not Digital anymore that like Moving On Up Song Moving On kind of makes sense right All right should we get into this pizza I'm dying to try it yeah absolutely Because we gotten all the dumb talking Out of the way let's get the feasting on I'm going for this middle one look at That bad boy right there oh my God look At the undercarriage Corey nice oh it Looks good A little bit of that bake on There that looks delish all right here We go Prof us for pizza by way of froza Cheers Oh man their sauce is really good Oh my God Oh my God I mean this is the difference It's the uh it's gonna sound like such a Talking point that it's not the

Convenience of frozen pizza with the Quality of local it really is that's What it boils down to way before we were Sponsored and we tried froze out we were Like shocked by the fact that this is The closest thing you can get to eating It at the restaurant as someone who is Guilty of buying way too much delivery Food in his life Pizza is a tough one For me because a lot of the times it Shows up cold in Chicago like there's a Lot of delivery going on you have to put It back in the oven this you can control Like if you get a New York style pizza Like in Lakeview delivered down to River North and they make one other stop by The time it gets to you I'm not even Joking you're eating Luke horn Pizza It happens all too often this kind of Solves that problem which is really nice Because you pull this out you have a Piping out pizza and it's actually a Really good one you're not eating a DiGiorno and to me the convenience Factor I've been really lucky my life I Haven't gotten a ton of cold pizzas Delivered but what I have had happen is It's one in the morning I want pizza Everywhere is close except for the place That makes crappy pizza right or I put An order in and it's late and everyone's Ordering and they don't have a lot of Delivery drivers and it's going to take Two hours exactly so in this situation

Boom throw it in I got sitting in my Freezer absolutely I can't get over how adorable these Little like shakers are yeah I'm Dressing up this next slice I eat like This isn't for everybody because some People like don't want to spend much on Pizza like this is more expensive Obviously than getting frozen pizza but Like if you want to have a good one in Your freezer I think this is such a move You know what else I hit you froze to be In good use and Professor Pizza is my Favorite pizza I told him we have to get It we did it was great but I had to Leave my friends for two hours yeah Because the dry kind of Professor pizza Was like not two hours but it was like 45 minutes there probably 45 back if you Pre-order Frozen have it delivered just Waiting in the freezer right pop it out Pop it in the oven pop it out everyone Feasts I like that such a good point and I really like that I just can't get over How well it Cooks from being frozen like Truly it doesn't taste like a frozen Pizza to me it's crazy I'm gonna I gotta Dress mine up I'm getting some of this Oregano on here yeah I put crushed red On the last one it was so good All that look at that oh yeah we're all About those herbs and spices at we always talk about That like those pizzas that come with it

You get just that much better I was the Middle slice middle slice pretty decent So good I went middle first now I'm Going crispy edges Crushed red pepper admittedly too much On probably too many foods I put on Everything I like it I don't want people To think it has to be limited to just Like Italian food you could put it I put On everything oh yeah There's got to be something with baking And like a pizza oven to start the pizza Off that makes it better but you can Have to clearly can finish it in a Regular oven yeah This really ruins frozen pizza for me From like mass-produced stuff and it's Like I'm too spoiled now right So this pizza is 25 bucks oh wow that's Really not it's not that bad I thought It was gonna be way up charged for it's The only thing that really hurts you is Like if you go to Frozen you only have To order like one pizza like them Delivering it doing all the stuff like You want to buy like in bulk you want to Get like four or five of them so for fans they're Doing a promo code six cheese one free Staff pick pizza for first-time Customers that spend at least 10 bucks You're getting free pizza and you can Pair that with the Frieza Promo code for free shipping so it's

Like double couponing holy crap so you Know throw a pizza or two in your cart You'll get a free one and free shipping And you can get all you can like load Your freezer up with really good ones And a lot of the pizzas that we're going To be doing in the weeks leading up to The end of this campaign you'll see even More and more yeah more and more of them I'm not a first-time buyer what am I Paying for delivery so like one pizza Like one Professor Pizza would be ten Dollar delivery and then if you get your Order up over 50 bucks it's only six Dollars and then it's free over 75. so It just helps the more you buy that She's a good deal right so for like tip And delivery yeah you're hitting 10 Bucks either way right absolutely and With like fees on GrubHub and stuff like No not I thought it was going to be way Worse me too absolutely that's actually A steal and if you just get two it's Down to six bucks that's yeah it's Really not it's not bad at all and then So like double up those promo codes if You're in Chicago this is a Chicago only Thing right now right right kind of Starting here obviously if it gets Popular I'd love to see you bro yeah Yeah for right now so um yeah the Details are below this video If you are Serious about this we'll be reviewing a Bunch of these pizzas going forward so

You'll be able to see maybe because the Rotation is constantly changing like What he's got in stock so you can get This and then you can get like you know Detroit style you can get New York style It's always changing damn dude I'm about To start using this it's actually like Really good it might be part of my Actual life it's really I know it should Be it's way less expensive than stuff Like gold belly yeah I like having it on Hand right it's nice to have one or two Of these in the freezer this is great if I got people in town I'm not kidding I Think that's really really gonna use it For yes it's so much it's such a pain to Go out and get pizza I know I got Friends in town it's the last thing I Want to do like we're all hanging out Drinking beer throw it in the oven you Don't need to see Chicago just see my See my counter yeah that's it it's a Food Town what else is there buildings And stuff museums look out the window You want some buildings we got a good View yeah shoot what are we talking About all right overall super delicious Got a piece left over we don't need to Rate it you can go watch your video Where we've had Professor Pizza I Literally called it the best pizza in The city it was so good good oh Swear word Professor Pizza Cheers I was gonna do a plate but I

Think I need a two-handed oh my God that Sauce this is so good unreal instantly One of the most unique pizzas I've ever Had instantly one of my favorites two Bites this is unreal I'm giving this a Five this is one of the most perfect Pizza uh it's an instant five so yeah Just go watch that video if you want to See us do like the rating of that this Is more about the Frozen deal and then The fact that's a great pizza this is Also one of those things where uh we Just kind of struck up a good friendship With frozen so I'm so excited to like Pump up a startup brand that I believe In yeah I love this was like a match Made this is a partnership for us so Very pumped about it uh froza thanks for The pizza this has been a blast uh all The details for you guys to order and Get this in your houses below but until Then guys we'll see you Monday sure I'll Have a drink support locals eat local Eat local eat local Bye friends By enemies [Music] [Music]